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We don't really date much on the island. It's more like...gang activity.
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"You — ah — are." Sasha's hands fall to Kaleva's waist. 


Kaleva pulls Sasha's hair and bites his shoulder again. "You're so beautiful."


He moans and pulls Kaleva's head up by the hair and kisses him, long and deep and wanting. 


Kaleva runs his hands along Sasha's back and bites Sasha's lip. "You're so good."


He arches into the touch. "Kaleva — Kaleva please —" 


The door opens. 


Sasha freezes. 


The door closes. 

There are footsteps away from the room. 


"Please... please tell me that didn't just happen."


"That didn't just happen," he says automatically. "Do I talk to him?" 


"I... I don't know, I guess we should...?"


"Do you want to go find him — should I —" 


"I think I'm going to have a panic attack into your shoulder actually," Kaleva says, his voice high-pitched.



He pulls Kaleva closer. 

"Okay. I'm staying, shh, it's okay, I've got you." 


Kaleva whimpers and presses his face into Sasha's shoulder so he can't see anything. He curls up tightly.

It is much nicer to have a panic attack when you're getting held during it. It's still awful but it's much nicer. 


He keeps Kaleva close, rubs his thumb in small circles on Kaleva's back, keeps up the stream of "it's okay, I've got you, we're okay". 


Kaleva is crying. 

"I don't know what's going to happen," he says, "he's-- I don't know-- I don't want to have to leave you--"


Sasha pets his hair. "You won't have to leave me." He sounds more certain than he is. "We're okay. I've got you, we're going to be okay, I'm here, I've got you." 


"I love you-- I love you so much-- I feel like such an idiot-- why didn't we lock the door--"

He's sobbing.


"He has a key. You're not an idiot. I've got you." 


"I, I don't know what he's going to do, he's such a good person, but I don't know if that means he-- he tells Fairy Godmother or he keeps it secret so I don't get kicked out of school--"


Where in this campus can you be alone — 


"If he tells Fairy Godmother I'll pretend I didn't realize people in Auradon thought that was wrong and you'll pretend he saw wrong and you weren't kissing me back at all. We'll be alright either way." 


"...Still have to explain why we were in bed together."


He winds up locking himself into a shower stall in the locker room and sliding down to sit on the floor there.

He, he knows what he saw, he's not — apparently that's a thing that happens, that's a thing you can do, and it's — it's wrong and it's not what that's for and Chen wants it anyway because, because, he doesn't know why he just — is tainted? somehow? it isn't like that's new but this feels worse — 

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