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We don't really date much on the island. It's more like...gang activity.
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"I really do! I didn't know hurting people was so much fun." 

Cuddles! Forever cuddles!


(He's so cute.) 

Forever cuddles indeed. 


"We should possibly talk about what you like now," Kaleva says, "so we don't get distracted halfway through the conversation by having sex."


Sasha laughs and kisses his cheek.

"I like you," he says. "I like being bitten, I like when you pull my hair, I like when you touch my hair at all. I like being touched here," he puts two fingers on the pulse point of his neck, "and here," he touches his collarbone, "and here," his shoulders, "and here," the inside of his thigh. "I like being thrown around, I like being on my knees, I like having something in my mouth." He's still not blushing. 


Kaleva thinks. "I think I like doing all those things to you and I think I spoke too soon about not wanting to have sex again."


He leans forward and kisses him again, briefly. "Shh, I'm not done.

I like when there's marks, I like when it hurts, cuts are good and bruises are good. I like being choked, being told to keep still is good but being tied up is better. I like being picked up and carried, I like being thrown into walls, I like — there's this thing you can do where you get yourself almost to the edge and then don't let yourself finish, I once did that for weeks before I got too desperate and slipped up —" 


"Get... yourself?"


"I mean, you can do it to someone else, but it's harder to tell when to stop, I'd have fun making you cry that way but I don't expect you could do the same to me." 


The idea of making Sasha cry by not letting him come is very distracting and Kaleva almost just thinks about that but! He can think about that later and figure out about the confusing thing now. 

This is why it is a good plan to ask about things after he had just had an orgasm. 

"I think you need to step back and explain things. People can make themselves come?"



"Yes. You can do that. Have you never done that?" 




That is incredibly hot and Sasha is not going down that train of thought. 

"No wonder you get worked up so easily. You can touch yourself in any way you'd touch me, it'll feel the same whoever's hands it is." 


"...The sex we've had has mostly been blowjobs and I'm not that bendy."


This seems like it calls for more kisses. 

"Kaleva, you just watched me get off with your hand." 


"I bit you a lot and then you came in like ten seconds! This seems unlikely to generalize."


"I'll show you. When I can, which right now I probably can't yet." 


"I can."

It's true. Kaleva's erection is poking Sasha's hip.


"That's because apparently you've finished twice in your life, and I can't exactly show you on you." 


"We could have sex anyway," Kaleva proposes.


"We could." 

This seems like a situation best resolved by moving closer to Kaleva and kissing him properly. 


Kaleva kisses Sasha, then kisses his cheeks and his eyelids and his nose. 


"I wonder if I can get you desperate enough that you'll figure it out on your own." He kisses Kaleva's temples, his cheeks, the corners of his mouth. 


"...That's pretty hot to think about, which seems like a good first step." Nibbles at Sasha's collarbone. 


Sasha keeps kissing him, keeps talking. "You're gorgeous, I want to see you desperate, want to see you crying, want to see your face the first time I fuck you —"

His hands never go below Kaleva's waist. 


"I thought we were fucking--"

Kaleva is thrusting somewhat uselessly against Sasha's thigh.

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