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We don't really date much on the island. It's more like...gang activity.
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He laughs, a little shaky as Kaleva touches the cuts. "Wouldn't be much point if they didn't." 


"Looking pretty to people like me?"


It's a shame Kaleva can't see his face; he's flushed and smiling softly. "They — do that too —" 


"I want to hurt you in a way that leaves a mark and get to look at it and know I made it and you're mine."


He laughs again, shakier. "Yes please mark me up —" 


"I don't know what to do that leaves marks."

Kaleva bites the place where Sasha's shoulder meets his neck.


"Ahh — some of those bites will bruise, or you can bite harder — or you can bite the same place over and over again, that'll, work," and he's got his head tilted back and his eyes closed again. 


What happens if Kaleva bites the same spot as hard as he can three times in a row?


Sasha's back arches and he grabs at the blanket and he's loud when he cries out the first time, louder the second time, soft and whimpery the third time. 


That's fun.

Kaleva does the same thing on the other side.


He falls back against Kaleva and his hips roll forward against nothing and the soft whimpery moans are constant, now. 


Probably if he had thought this through at all he would have gotten Sasha to say a list of things he liked before he was completely incoherent from being bitten.


Kaleva undoes Sasha's pants and frees his dick and lets Sasha grind against his hand and bites his shoulder.


"Please," and he swallows visibly, "please, Kaleva," and when Kaleva bites him he shuts his throat around the noise he wants to make so it comes out a choked-off whimper and comes over Kaleva's hand and goes soft and boneless against Kaleva's chest. 


Kaleva holds him and kisses his neck and smiles.


"Mm." He doesn't move. "Thank you." 


Kaleva rests his head on Sasha's shoulder. "No, thank you. I love you."

He is really really really turned on but he feels like it would be extremely awkward to say anything about it.


Kaleva's so warm. 

Sasha turns his head and kisses Kaleva on the side of his neck, runs a finger along where his collarbone would be if Sasha could see it. "You were the first person in a really long time to just. Hold me like this." 


Having Sasha kiss him and touch him and be next to him is reaaaaaally not helping the arousal situation. 

"You're the first person to ever hold me like this."


He glances at Kaleva's face, then down at his lap. 

He kind of wants to see if he can get Kaleva to say what he wants out loud. 

Sasha kisses him again, a little higher on his neck. "What would you like?" 


"I'm fine with cuddling!"


"You say that like it'd be a sacrifice for me to have sex with you. It really wouldn't be. 

What do you want?" 


"I... want you to suck me off?" His voice gets a bit high at the end.


Sasha kisses him again, then turns around and pushes him backwards into the bed. 

"See," he opens Kaleva's pants and gets his cock out, "it's not so hard." 

And then his mouth is occupied and he can't say anything else. 


Kaleva is really really turned on and he has had a hard couple of weeks and they didn't get to finish last time and Sasha looks extremely beautiful with his cock in his mouth and a bruise starting to form on his shoulder and in other words he's having the second conscious orgasm of his life within like thirty seconds. 


Sasha swallows and comes up and kisses him again. 

"You really like biting me, don't you." It's almost ridiculously affectionate. 

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