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We don't really date much on the island. It's more like...gang activity.
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He bites his ear. "Want to see your face the first time I'm in you, then — c'mon, you can do better than that, I know you can." He shifts his thigh so Kaleva can get a better angle, which is sort of letting him off easy but it's not like this isn't fun either way. 


He's rewarded with a gasp. "You're so beautiful, I want-- I want-- I don't know what I want."


He curls one hand in Kaleva's hair, digs his fingernails into the scalp. "C'mon, Kaleva, you can figure this out," a kiss to Kaleva's forehead, "you're the smartest person I know," a kiss to the bridge of his nose, a kiss on both cheeks. 


Kaleva hisses at the feeling of fingernails on his scalp. "I want you-- I want you to touch me--"


He moves his hand an inch down and digs his fingernails in again, slips his other hand under Kaleva's shirt and runs his fingers up the ridge of his spine. "Almost got it, almost got it — your hands will feel just like mine —" 


"This is so unfair," Kaleva complains. He starts to touch his dick lightly with the pads of his fingers. "It's not-- I want--"


Fingernails down Kaleva's spine. "If I touched you that light I'd be teasing." Another kiss. 


Kaleva presses in harder with his fingers and moves them and throws his head back and moans and says "Sashaaaaa."


"There you go, there you go —" 


And he gets the idea and wraps his palm around his dick and starts to move it and bites his lip and his face twists and he says "Sasha, Sasha, I love you, Sasha."


"Kaleva." Sasha kisses him, drags his fingernails down the back of his neck. "Kaleva, Kaleva." 


Kaleva's hand is moving faster between his legs. His other hand is in Sasha's hair. He kisses Sasha hungrily, desperately.


Sasha pulls him closer, keeps pressing his nails into Kaleva's skin, let Kaleva move against him however he wants. 


Kaleva mouths Sasha's neck and moans and fucks his hand and comes.


Sasha takes Kaleva's hand and licks it clean, then kisses Kaleva's cheek. "Knew you'd get it."


Kaleva's eyelids flutter shut and he whimpers while Sasha is licking his hand. "I think I like it better when you're here to clean up."


"Of course you do." A little bit teasing; mostly fond. 



(Kaleva has no idea when Harry is supposed to get back, and is also too happy to keep track of things like 'my boyfriend has a roommate.')


....Now that he is not actively having sex with Kaleva, Sasha has enough brain left over to glance at the clock and realize that usually Harry's back by now. 

It's not like he would have left a note either way, but it's still kind of weird. 


Kaleva is petting Sasha's hair, completely unaware of any roommate-related thoughts that may be going on.


Having his hair pet is nice and Sasha would rather this not end.


"Usually my roommate would be back by this point." 


"That's... mildly concerning."


"Yeah. I don't know how long he'll be out, but — actually hold up let me check something." 

He leans over the edge of the bed and pulls a laptop (standard issue from the school, because they were at least aware that Sasha wouldn't already have one) out from underneath a sweater that has been artfully arranged to cover the whole thing while looking like it was carelessly dropped there. "He wouldn't have left a note no matter what, I'm pretty sure he can't actually write, but — yep, he has been arrested." He sounds entirely unsurprised. 


"...I suppose I should be sympathetic."


"Don't be, he had it coming. Why would you even do that, there is plenty of food here and lots of it is sweet and none of it has been in a baby's mouth — anyway. We won't be interrupted here for the next few days." 

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