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Theo becomes a vampire
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… Still seems fine.


...a hundred?


Yeah. "I'm not really having difficulty here. Honestly my memory seems pretty good."


"Yes but just how good, is the question! Maybe we should go with a thousand digits?"


"Might take a while to say them all but sure."


"We have time."

Digits! Lots of them.


Theo listens attentively and then when Sadde is done producing them all reproduces them in such a manner as to allow Sadde to verify their accuracy.

He can in fact remember the thousand digits.


"Okay what the duck."


"It's practically eidetic?"


" it literally eidetic, can you remember the specific point in our conversation when I stopped being very appetizing?"


"… There wasn't a particular point when I noticed you being less very appetizing except for– like, it was around when you were taking photos of me, before that I was mostly doing fine remembering you were a person and then a bit after that I was doing even more fine, and that was, um, I dunno, how long into our conversation? I don't have a perfect idea of how long a second is, counting up my memory for time is not a good strategy here."


"Okay, that was, like... maybe half an hour? That's not too bad, I guess."


"It might be linked to number of words, how good an idea I have of the person, what sorts of meaning there is, literal time of exposure, I have no idea. Should probably see if I can redo it at all with a similar scenario, so finding someone I know and then talking to them for about half an hour?"


"Yes, I think so."


"What other memory tests should we do – oh, the long-term thing, for the record, I still remember that. Five-four-eight, then there was a pause, then seven-nine-nine-fourteen-A-Z-omega-apple-beta."


"I mean, after remembering a thousand digits I would have been very surprised if you didn't remember that. Is it only eidetic about what you paid attention to, or can you call every detail of every memory to attention? Does it work retroactively?"


"I… think it's only stuff I paid attention to, but I can pay attention to quite a lot of things? And me not focusing on something suggests an absence of it, so it's not, uh, that bad anyway? Doesn't work from before I woke up vampire, though, no."


"Absence of what?"


"Stimuli? If it's quiet, I probably wasn't paying attention to any particular sounds, so that means I don't remember any particular sound– okay, never mind, that kinda means I'm paying attention to the lack."


"Can you describe the place you woke up in from memory?"


So he describes what he saw in the morgue – which wasn't much because he left rather quickly after, um, things.


"Okay this is pretty huge, if we can work around the accidental mass murder thing I might want to be a vampire too."


"Accidental mass murder thing, yes, that– minor thing."


"Not minor in effect, but doesn't seem in principle impossible to stop."


"I was being, um, sarcastic or something about the 'minor' thing. Not quite the right word, but yeah, insincere." Shrug. "Hopefully we can get around it, yeah."

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