That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"Well. My mom's at work, I'm supposed to be at school for a few more hours, and we don't want to invite random strangers into your house... We could test what you can do."
"The inviting random strangers in, is that solely because– actually never mind again. Yes, could see what I can do – um, ideas for things to test?"
"It's because it'd be hard to do and control. Anyway, we should test your senses, memory, speed, strength, agility?, whatever else."
"Yeah. I'm not sure of good tests for the senses if we're testing range since that would require things outside the house, unless we see how far you can go before I stop hearing you or something. Not sure how to test speed or strength in my small yard without damaging something and I'm not sure going out in the yard is a great idea. Memory, um, it seems to be pretty good, specifics not yet known but could be difficult to test."
"...okay you not being capable of going outside is gonna be a pain, we should work on that, except we can't, couldn't you have come back from the dead last afternoon or something?"
"I know. Well, even thus constrained we can still come up with some tests. Memory ones are easiest."
"It might be a good idea to set up a long-term thing first, see how well I remember something while distracted – I expect very well – and then do other tests in the meantime? For efficiency or something?"
"Okay, and short-term thing, see how many numbers I can remember in a row or something? I dunno, look up the digits of pi?"
"I'm not done. Seven-nine-nine-fourteen-A-Z-Omega-Apple-Beta." At some point he started writing those down on his mobile phone.
"That you look up digits of pi, say them to me, we gradually increase how many you say at a time and then I repeat back to you, see how high we can get – if it seems like it's not a ridiculous infeasible-to-test number – before I can't remember them all?"
"Five three five eight nine seven nine three. I know the first fifteen digits already, got bored one day and found them out."
"Oh. That must've been one heck of a spell of boredom." He looks up the following digits on his phone and starts listing them, five of them to start with.
Theo has no difficulty memorizing five numbers for however long it takes him to hear them and repeat them back.