Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Uh, you shouldn't just sit here if we might want to go into her world," Cam says, "I think the security office is likely to all but pause relative to everything else if she's the only person here, that other guy was here for ages until I sat him out and I think they may be short on Security people who can take daeva - and you can do background reading too, bounce ideas off me."


Yes, he can do that. He has to pretend to be looking around to see if he left anything on the floor so he doesn't send Cam any suspiciously adoring glances.


And then read, and read, and bounce ideas, and ask for more material, and ask for conjured scale models of things and conjured material parts of things...


"Man, powers in this world are scary as fuck," Cam says, in between making things.


"Yep. And - I don't know how much of this is that Elves are an unusually nice species, but are humans usually -"


"This is in fact worse than usual. Could just be stress from all the end being brung."


"Or it could be mental manipulation that's Simurgh-y, in which case fairy needs to stay far away from Simurgh, or it could be mental manipulation or something else violence-causing that's ambient, in which case fairy needs to not be summonable again once they go home, at least not for a while..."


"Yeah. It's another Earth, which is interesting..."


"Two Ardas and three Earths. This one can safely be presumed not to have a you?"


"I can check, it's past my birthdate..." Checking, checking. "Nope, no me, no my parents."


"Of course not, that'd be too easy."


"Yeah, we could just land on him and say 'hey, we have cool shit, tell us where to put it'..."


"Exactly." And how many other people is that true of, not very many, what if he never finds another one...


Cam thoughtfully contemplates making out with some alt of himself after their world is saved, dismisses the notion, goes back to reading.


Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh reading. 


"I wonder why this Scion character is such an inefficient nutcase."


"Ah, see, I sort of treat that as the default for ridiculously powerful supposedly benevolent deities."


"Yes but rescuing kittens from trees?"


"I'm kind of annoyed about how easy it is to apparently be acclaimed as a great hero."



"Found the guy who tried to get off the planet and got Simurghed, that's just... just lovely..." Cam passes over the cape encyclopedia he's been flipping though.



"Well, that's fantastic. Ugh. 




At this point my primary worry is escalation."


"Yeah, the trajectories of the Endbringer fights make it look like they're holding back somehow..."


"I think my current least favorite thing is fights where for unclear reasons the bad guys aren't really trying.


Evac might make more sense..."


"We don't know where Endbringers come from and powers are contagious."


"Not evac to here, terraform them a planet very far away that doesn't have Endbringers, assuming it doesn't have Endbringers - have you encountered this stuff about Aleph -"


"Yeah - I'm unclear why nobody's arranged a mass exodus, the Simurgh didn't descend on Professor Haywire - the names these people pick for themselves -"

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