Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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It'll take longer to catch them up to speed, the plans will be in closer to final form and holes poked in them will be accordingly more useful, we'd be sacrificing the opportunity for anyone to decide to come and join us who might significantly speed research along but my guess is that they are going to be very busy with reconstruction and very shellshocked...and in need of a therapist, I will probably be a highly-variable-quality substitute... so that might not be a likely outcome anyway.


So, some, assuming people willing to hold the door are not in short supply and they can hang out there for the extra catching-up time.

Think I should continue parking in this office until Rosalie goes home and we get someone else or does her world seem like it might be good to have a representative on tap just in case something?


Seems like it'd have to be a really big something. Surface-takeoff lightleapers wouldn't even do it - if we were sure capes couldn't kill daeva we could go through to your world, summon a lot of daeva, teach them surface-takeoff lightleaper manufacture, and try a really rushed evac but -

- this is just me not wanting to abandon a world even when it's intractable and the same resources are probably better spent elsewhere -


Well, we can now refer to 'Rosalie's world' to Bar...


So maybe hang out there for a bit - or I'll take a turn, if you get bored - and we can read and see if we think of anything in a few hours, and if not. 


If whatever controls the doors is fucking with us deliberately can we expect that anyone who mans security will not actually solve any problems?


Maybe? Depends how aggressively it's fucking with us.

If you'd take a turn I would like to stretch my wings a bit.


I'd be delighted. 


And he hangs out in Security and makes conversation with Hera and learns more about her world.


She's not overwhelmingly talkative but she doesn't kick him out. Apparently there's a bunch of people with powers and usually they're anonymous but she doesn't bother with it when she's on a shift - mask'll go back on when she leaves - he can call her Rosalie or Hera she doesn't care - Hera's a mythological figure who suits her vigilante pet causes - she's got a thing about going after child abusers and rapists and wife-beaters, especially if the cops drop them on technicalities or because they're charming or something -


Well, he's not going to touch that, just nod and agree that it's good when bad people can't hurt people anymore. 


Fairies might be able to do something about Endbringers, is it at least worth seeing if he can find any willing to try...


She's not necessarily opposed to letting a fairy in but she's not optimistic.


It'd be sort of a low-probability high-magnitude thing. When Cam gets back they can discuss if there are obvious reasons it's a bad idea, and he can go try to find a sufficiently trustworthy fairy.


Cam comes back, wings stretched. "How goes?"


"Okay. Seems like there's an off chance a sufficiently motivated fairy could just take an Endbringer off to Jupiter or something, are there obvious downsides to asking one if they'll try it and sending them back with Rosalie?"


"Well, the fairy could catch contagious powers and this could be a disaster of some kind, or the Endbringers could drive the fairy insane and then we have a mad fairy, or a cape could kill the fairy somehow..."


"The latter chance I was planning to apprise them off and let them decide if it's worth it, mad fairy seems like less of a problem than that world's already got, contagious powers could be useful if we've got the right person but are admittedly a problem especially if they go back to Fairyland and keep being contagious."


"I was thinking the mad fairy would be a problem if they went to Fairyland and continued being mad. Also, bindings might not behave normally with respect to powers if they were then summoned elsewhere."


"...Edie thinks the reason Elves don't daevafy is because we die within reach of Mandos, she made her forks in Hell and she thinks Hell-made forks of us will daevafy just fine if they die after summoning something."



"Okay, but daevafying you guys until one of you is a fairy does not actually solve the mad-fairy-what-do hypothetical."


"Unless powers fuck with oaths, or chips, or memories, or cause you to be possessed by malicious powers-world entities and not acting of your own volition..."


"Few of these possibilities seem worth letting a world end over."


"Sure, but make the tradeoff, don't just go 'oaths solve that'."


It is not even just that he is in love with Cam he also needs him the multiverse needs him this is so frustrating aaaaaahhhhhhhhh

"Yeah, okay, point taken. There are some ways this could go catastrophically badly and hurt a lot of other people; there are even conceivable ways it could hurt more people than the population of Rosalie's world, and the odds it just works and saves the day are not very pretty because it seems like the causes of trouble in their world might be escalating. I think it's worth trying anyway, what do you think."


"I'd like to do more background reading on the world first."


"Fair enough. I will just sit here, want to make me a book so I don't take Rosalie's time..."

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