Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"I bet he does it as one-per-sector and then either makes it a competition for who gets the title - whoever saves the most lives in ten years, or something - or else waits until they've specialized enough there's a natural place for it to shake out.

Or if one meets a boy who's suited to co-ruling, that'd swing it."


"And then all the forks who don't meet this boy take several months to write songs and get over it?"


"You have Maitimo very figured out! Though with other people around and things to get done it wouldn't take him nearly as long, he's pretty good at not having - useless wants -"


"Not having useless wants is a valuable skill."


"If I didn't think he'd be a good emperor of the multiverse we'd be having very different conversations."


"I think he'll do well at it."


"Yep. Take care, Cam."


"Will do."



It occurs to Cam that while the guy who's been sitting in the Security office can't help them, he also can't sit there forever, it's just time-fuckery. He goes into the Security office. He sits there being inoffensive enough that the security guy doesn't kick him out; remembers a ways in to notify various Elves of his cunning plan.







Cam parks there for thirty hours - apparently the security guy doesn't sleep, not even while in Milliways - and then a blonde lady comes in and takes over for him, who wants to come talk to blonde lady about how she can take daeva or should Cam just ask her himself?


I'm happy to drop by if we're assessing trustworthiness or something, but I'm sure you can put the question to them as effectively as I can.



Eventually Cam reports that blonde lady is from a world where being traumatized sometimes grants superpowers and she can fly and is ultra-durable and ultra-strong, she doesn't have a way to counter a black hole and is pretty sure that this implies Milliways is a No Black Holes Zone by virtue of its physics fuckery, she doesn't think she could take a fairy, and she got her door at a really inopportune time such that if she holds it for somebody - well, a daeva might be fine (might; she can't rip Cam's wing off but can't vouch for a general daeva > capes tendency) but the door would certainly be destroyed in the ensuing firefight.


Inconvenient. Does her home world want any tech we've got, while she's here...does summoning work there....


She is pretty sure that people who try to substantially upgrade the tech base are deliberately sought out and driven insane by horrible monsters and she's never heard of summoning the way daeva are summoned, it's all powers.


Yikes. Okay, so maybe we save that dimension for after the more tractable ones. Does she need a hug or something.


I do not feel qualified to assess whether she'd appreciate being asked.


"Hi." She's dressed oddly, slightly singed singed white bodysuit, white boots. There's a steel mask with eye holes and shiny white paint on it on the desk by her elbow; it looks like it would conform oddly perfectly to her face, as though she may have literally crafted it by finding a piece of shiny white-painted steel and smashing her face into it. If she weren't wearing her hair loose and her ears were pointy she'd be pretty enough to pass for an Elf.


Huh. He smiles at her.

"My home world's in the middle of a nightmare so we're parked here until we have the technology and possibly the magic to take it on. Your world sounds, uh, also nightmarish. Sounds like our capacity to offer aid is limited, but if there is anything -"


"World's probably going to end, or else why call them Endbringers," she shrugs. "Not sure what you'd do about it - way he described his powers he'd be high tier for a cape but nothing too game-changing."


"Evacuate the planet or if necessary the dimension? I don't have any superpowers but I have a fleet under my command that's got plans drawn up to do exactly that if necessary."


"He said he told you, last person who optimistically tried to get off the planet was specifically targeted by the Simurgh and now he gets his kicks tracking down other altruistically inclined Tinkers and fucking with them or torturing them to death. I guess Aleph doesn't have this kinda problem but capes are contagious."


"What's your population, how fast does the attack-people-advancing-the-tech-base effect happen?"


"Few billion, Endbringer attacks are about once every three months."


"So if we time it right - we can definitely move a few billion people in three months - or will they attack more often if the situation changes..."

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