Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Might. Used to be just one of them, now there's three."


"Lovely. Well, let us know if you think of anything." 


And he writes Cam, 'uh, mixed feelings about starting time in her world again'.


I asked her if she ever thought about running off to another universe but apparently she has 'shit to do'.


Like waiting for her world to end? Why doesn't this bar get more patrons, that's exactly what we need right now, a dimension we can uncomplicatedly go fix...


I suspect and Bar cannot disconfirm that it is in fact fucking with us!


To what end? Is she mad that we're leveraging her to rule the multiverse?

I really need some of my advisors and they're on different ships, this is very frustrating.


Bar likes us fine, she just doesn't control the door.


And the forces that do don't like us?


Apparently, but we can't talk to them.


They've got dimensional transport, but it's not demon-safe and it's as bare-bones as it gets - no destination targeting at all, you are statistically very likely to land in hard vacuum but they can't even say that for sure. Fifty more years.


I mean, if it's conjurable, landing in hard vacuum is not an insurmountable problem - if we can use summoning to get demon scouts back instead of that not working for some reason.


The bigger problem is that if they un-chip-lock the prototypes then anyone idly conjuring all my father's work has dimensional transit. 




He can maybe osanwë it to Edie, she can make it, you can see it and copy? Does that leave us open to any risks, you've probably thought about information security more than I have -


If it's ever physically instantiated then it's theoretically copiable and the question's whether anyone thinks of it; your father's complete works including physical prototypes seem like a likely category. Also it might someday be feasible to actually read information off of chips in detail.


So we wait until they've got something better, and we still might not be able to do anything about the general problem - for that matter, even if we make it non-conjurable demons can still build it from scratch like my fathers are going to -


Yeah. If somebody whose prototypes are likely to be less interesting does the assembly it's harder to find.


We can do that.



I feel like when I get back in touch with my people there's going to be a lot immediately caught that we didn't think of...


My world isn't in crisis, we could send you there and you could talk to those versions?


I thought you wanted to leave time paused until we had a way to fix things? But - yes, I would probably benefit from that.


I would, but someone else can hold the door while I get back to work, I don't expect to have a way around that step anyway.


Probably not. Does splitting it into chunks with Milliways intervening make it easier or harder, psychologically -


Both at different points in the process.


Well, let me know if you decide you want to give it a go, and I'll take advantage of the chance to go speak with people, run the crucial ideas by them, maybe ask if anyone wants to come back with me...


Will do. Any advantage to waiting until you have more research to describe to them?

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