Nine in Beacon Hills
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"Probably not, given how you're trying to kill them. But ending the string of murders is more important to me than satisfying my curiosity."


"If they'll stop...and if I can have Deucalion, the murders can stop."


"I can probably work with that. Give me a couple days?"


"You're welcome to them. Good luck." 

And she goes home.


The pigeon follows her. Just in case.


And is Ms. Morrell still around?


Ms. Morrell is still there, in case anyone needs counseling after school. 


And is anyone currently taking advantage of her services?


She's free!

"Ms. Yanna, nice to see you again."


"Likewise. Since the last meeting went so well, I was wondering if you could set up something similar with Deucalion?"


"I could, but I'm not nearly as hopeful. Once upon a time, he was a reasonable man, and now he's a self-sabotaging murderer with a political agenda." 


"What's his agenda? What incentives does he respond to?"


"He wants to take promising alphas, get rid of their packs, and recruit them. Eventually, he wants to destabilize the current system of werewolf organization and replace it with something more centralized." 


"Is there some sort of substantive difference between an alpha werewolf and a non-alpha werewolf?"


"Alphas have powers that betas don't. Their claws can steal memories. The more important difference is that alphas become stronger as they build their packs, and when they kill their packs, they gain even more power."


"Steal memories?"


"Steal, share, possibly falsify-the exact details are unclear to me."


Note to self: don't let an alpha claw you. Not that she was going to, but still.

"Do you know what he plans to do, once he centralizes werewolf organization?"


"He wants werewolves to form a cohesive society, one that can eventually interact with the human one." 


Less insane than she was expecting.

"Can you pitch the meeting as we're new here, we heard about his project, think it sounds reasonable, and might have an avenue to help with sovereignty?"


"I can try. As I said, self-defeating. He's got a kind of...paranoid optimism that makes him both very trusting and also inclined to over-correct to avoid trusting. He'll be ready to betray you if he thinks you'll betray him. Step carefully. I can help there, but we'll want to discuss what you'll say before you get there." 


Pascale is in fact planning on betraying him, so that's potentially awkward. But her win condition here is fairly simply: get Deucalion into Ellayania's domain.

"Lovely combination of traits. What sorts of things should I avoid saying that would give that impression?"


"Don't mention communicating with the Darach at all, and ideally, let Kali bring up her meeting with you. Support the idea of humans becoming aware of the supernatural, use that as a bargaining chip. He wants that, of course, and will be more sympathetic to you if you suggest it. Connect it to the idea of spreading your goddess, showing your "hidden" motive; he'll stop looking for one, after that." 


"Good suggestions. Is the same meeting spot going to work?"


"I'll convince him."

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