Nine in Beacon Hills
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Pascale smiles.

"I'll see you tonight, then?"


"See you tonight. Take care, Pascale."



Back to Ellayania's domain. They have things to prepare. Once Deucalion gets here, he's not leaving. All she has to do is get him into the domain. Talk to him about his plans, agree with him, make him comfortable enough to take that one step inside. Or Ellayania can pull the sudden expansion trick. If she only has to do it once that should be okay. As for afterwards, well. She's not expecting him to be reasonable. Will have to ask Blake if she wanted to kill him personally. His ideas about werewolf integration may actually be worthwhile, something to investigate. The rest of the pack may or may not be salvageable. She'll try, no sense in pissing Morrell off unnecessarily, but Pascale will be prepared for the contingency.


Unless she contacts her teenage werewolf friends, they'll leave her alone until the meeting.


Better if they stay out of this one. While in her goddess's domain, she won't need the backup. And given their history with the pack, their presence will likely introduce unwanted complications. Ellayania can warn them off if she notices Scott's stone approaching. Pascale might want to consult with them later, but not while Deucalion is still an active force.


As expected, Ms. Morrell approaches the edge of her domain.

"Ellayania? Pascale? I brought someone here for you to meet."


Pascale walks over to greet them.



"Pascale. I've heard so little about you."

He holds out one hand, the other holding his cane.


Wasn't expecting him to be blind, but okay. She shakes the proffered hand.

"Well, I haven't really been around very long, so that's not exactly surprising."


"No, it's not, really. My emissary was telling me that you've already spoken to my second. What did you think of her?"


"I think it's good that she has a strong leader."


"I know very little about your goddess, but I feel the same way about her. She must be very powerful indeed, to command your respect."



"She took me in, gave me purpose."


"What does a goddess want, from a mortal? What purpose did she give you? My pack would say the same about me, and yet they would be wrong to worship me."


"That's because you're a werewolf, not a god. As acolyte, I serve as an intermediary of sorts between Ellayania and her worshipers."


"Fascinating. An intermediary. An emissary, of sorts. There are legends, about the origins of the druids. Marin tells the story better than I can."


"Some believe that the pagan gods of old were real, and that they taught humans druidry. In fact, it's been said that the earliest druids were themselves the gods, incarnated into human form."


"Well said. Now, what is it that Ellayania wants from me, acolyte?"


"We heard about your ambitions to unite the werewolves, and wondered if you might want some help with that."


"I could use it, yes. An interesting sort of goddess, who looks at a new world and decides where she stands on local politics. Why are you interested?"


"You asked what a goddess wants from a mortal? Belief. For people to worship her, to think of her. The more, the better. She doesn't have a foothold here. She wants one."


Tap goes the cane, as though he's testing the ground's stability, before he walks further.

"She can have six believers by tomorrow, then. More than that will take work. I imagine it would be easier if werewolf packs were more organized, but we have time to discuss all that."


"We should also consider the Darach. We've learned her motives, and it seems the best move is to make some kind of reparations. You could apologize."


"That would make it harder to get what we want from Beacon Hills, Marin. If this Darach wants to mobilize the werewolves in this town, I support her choice."


"And what is it you want from this little town?" asks a voice from nowhere.

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