Nine in Beacon Hills
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And here are the teen wolves, arriving much to late to save the corpse. 

They try anyway.


"Who's Julia?"

Pascale seems completely unconcerned about this possibly-threatening behavior.


"She's dead. I'm sorry. The Darach is the the English teacher, Ms. Blake."


"My former emissary. She has reason to want me dead, and to blame my pack for what I did. I wouldn't be surprised if this is her collecting power." 


"What would you do about it, if it were her?"


"...I don't think she'll listen to me, but if you could convince her that I didn't mean for her to might be too late, I don't know how these rituals work." 


"She can stop killing at any time, if we can convince her to."


"'I meant to kill you more effectively than I actually did' is unlikely to go over well. Unless you can muster a more sincere display of remorse, I don't think an apology will do the trick."


"That's not what I would say. I don't think what I want to say will help either. She won't believe me, or she'll be even angrier. Convince her that killing us won't satisfy her, and she'll give up on the ritual." 


"You mauled her and left her for dead. Her reaction is understandable, if not excusable. If you want me to convince her to back down, I need more to work with." Pascale tilts her head. "She killed another woman tonight, you know. Just before you arrived."


"Deucalion told us what we had to do. I did what he asked, and I don't regret it." 


"Is that how you'd put it? No regrets at all?" 


"What do I have to regret? I'm part of his pack, and she's alive." 


"How about the part where you murdered your packmates in cold blood and critically wounded your emissary for no better reason than someone told you to do it? Or the part where, as a direct result of your actions, no fewer than four innocent bystanders have been killed? Most people would consider that plenty of cause for regret."


"She killed every single one of of her betas, and so did her packmates. She was the only one who hesitated to kill her emissary. That doesn't sound like regret to me, but something a darach might respect more." 


"I regret that she was my emissary. No offense to dear Marin, but she would have made a fine emissary for this pack." 


"What qualities would have made Julia a better fit?"


"It's not about personality- or not the kind that would fit her new pack. It's about wishing that the emissary she wanted was the one she had." 


"That sounds a little more like regret. I don't know enough about Julia to predict how she'd respond."


"If she wants revenge, nothing will stop her from wanting it. The only way is to convince her that killing these other people isn't worth it." 


"You know her better than I do. Any suggestions?"


"I'm not the person to go to for reasons not to kill people."

She turns to face the trees.


"Offer her an alternate route to subduing the alphas. I can't credibly offer that, but a third party could."


"What do you mean by subdue?"


"If you can talk her down from murder to capture, do. Otherwise, save the ones who were less responsible. The twins, they were young when they were recruited, and Kali left her alive, when she could have killed her. Deucalion and Ennis are harder to protect, even if you cared to."

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