Nine in Beacon Hills
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"I see. And Dr. Deaton said that animals would react strongly?"


"Animals tend to react badly to heavily concentrated magic."


"We noticed some birds acting strangely outside one of the English classrooms yesterday." Pascale describes the teacher who was there.


"Jennifer Blake. She's the substitute English teacher. If she is who I suspect, talking to her would be a mistake on my part. Would you like to hear my theory, or do you want to approach her without any preconceptions?" 


"More information is better than less."


"Until now, I hadn't thought of Jennifer Blake as a suspect, but the killer can presumably adjust her appearance. I was nearly sure, though, that the druid was someone seeking revenge on the Alpha Pack. Have you heard of them?" 


"Group of super-werewolves?"


"Something like that. They were once alphas of their own packs, and like all alphas, they each had their own betas, and their own druid emissary. They killed their betas and their emissaries- except one. Kali never told her new pack members that she left her emissary alive, of course. She didn't even tell her new emissary. I had to find out on my own." 


"So the Darach wants to kill them in revenge for that?"


"For leaving her for dead, for killing her pack...revenge can carry a person to great lengths. I suspect if Jennifer is Julia, she'll rip my throat out. I'd rather her not learn who I am." 


"Why would Kali leave her emissary alive?"


"They were...close. No one knew for sure, Kali was very private. She left her bleeding on the ground. There was every chance she could have died. Plausible deniability. She just wasn't willing to deliver the killing blow." 


"Might be worth talking to her about it. The Alpha Pack would be good to have on our side, if the Darach is that strong."


"If I were neutral, I might recommend that you play the two sides against each other. As it is, that sounds like a reasonable plan." 


And if you were neutral, Pascale might even tell you she was planning to do that.

She smiles at Ms. Morrin. "What's the best way to contact them?"


"Through me. They generally don't respect other humans."


"Okay. Can you ask Kali to meet me in the woods tonight?" She describes the location of Ellayania's domain.


"I can't convince her to be nice, but she'll come in peace. I'm glad we had this talk, Ms. Yanna." 


"So am I. I'll see you around, I'm sure."

Back to class then. Along the way, ask Ellayania to keep an eye on Jennifer Blake.


And shortly, a pigeon settles down in the tree outside the English classroom.


She doesn't really do anything interesting.

The class discusses Heart of Darkness and she doesn't kill a single one of them. 


She can wait. She has all the time in the world.


By the end of the day, she has still not murdered anyone. Here she is, going to her car.


And here is a pigeon, following discreetly along behind.


Here she is, driving to an apartment building.

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