Nine in Beacon Hills
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The pigeon lurks.


The teacher hides in the garden.

A woman steps outside the house and looks around.

She hugs her robe tightly as she steps towards the bushes.


The druid attacks, flinging the woman against the wall with a wave of force.


They have the right person, then. Good. Time to interrupt.

The pigeon rushes in to attack the druid, talons much sharper than usual clawing for her eyes.


Are pigeons vulnerable to telekinetic flinging? Then she will find herself thrown backwards. 

She picks up the struggling woman and carries her to her backyard. 


Hm. Yes, that was somewhat predictable. This avatar is too small and unsuited for combat. She needs subtlety. Or backup. Ellayania speaks through the stone she gave to Scott.

"Scott McCall. The Darach is attempting to make another kill. I need your help."

The pigeon recovers its stability, then overflys the druid and shakes feathers out of its wings. These turn to small clumps of dirt as they drop, each hissing out a knockout gas.


One of Pascale's guests approaches the edge of the domain.

"Ms. Yanna? I hope now is a good time. I have Kali with me. She's willing to talk."


The Darach vanishes from sight, leaving the body by the pool.


He speaks into the stone.

"Where are you? Any landmarks? I don't think I know your scent."


The gas stops.

"I am at a house in town." She describes the location, then adds "I may have scared her off, but you might still track her by scent."


Pascale is just a little ways off, sitting on a rock. She hops up to greet her visitors.

"Ah, hello! Thank you for coming."


"I'm sure we're both glad to be here."


"I wouldn't say 'glad'. Nice to meet you, druid."


She shakes her head at Pascale, from behind Kali.


"I'm on my way."

He pockets the stone, nudges Isaac, and they head out.


The pigeon stoops down to check on the victim.


"Call me Pascale. I'm not actually a druid, I'm new around here."


The victim is currently experiencing fatal head trauma. There's not much she can do. 


"Deucalion was misinformed, then." She glances at Ms. Morrell.


"I thought this would be better."


Pascale will have noticed by bow that she's not wearing shoes.

She nods, baring her teeth.

"Fine. What do you want? What can you do? What is this place?" 


"This is the domain of the goddess Ellayania, of Fen and Library. I am her acolyte."


"An acolyte? Marin said good things, so I guess that's different than the priests we have here." 


"Well, my goddess actually exists, so I suppose that might explain some differences."


"I named myself after a goddess, but she doesn't seem to be around to get offended. Or pleased, I suppose. I like to think I've lived up to the name."

She examines her nails- claws, actually, since she keeps them out. 

"I heard something about Julia?" 

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