we summed this thread up as 'ellie potter time travel momcest' in the conceptual stages
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One of the best things about being an Unspeakable, Ellie often thought to herself, was that you weren't expected to do much speaking, public or otherwise. You were, in fact, expected to strictly limit your interaction with the outside world outside your duties. Ellie's all right with that. She saved Britain from a Dark Lord when she was a year old and again when she was seventeen. She's had all she can stomach of the public eye.

Still, she thought as the fourth time-turner exploded just above her head (and where had they all even come from?), it might have been nice to have some help within shouting distance.

The world around her goes white-

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And resolves into - 

Very much not the Department of Mysteries. ...Actually this looks like Hogwarts, though it's not a room she's been in. There's bookshelves, though, and it looks like an extension of the library.


There's also a single student on the only chair in sight, who immediately stands and draws her wand. "Who - ? - How did you get here?!"


It's been a while and she was older when Ellie saw her last but- "Mum?"


"Who are you?!"



"My name is Ellie."


"How did you get here?"


"There was an- incident. With a ritual of summoning."


"Must be pretty powerful, to get through Hogwarts' wards," she says lightly, after a moment. She still hasn't put her wand away.


Ellie still hasn't drawn hers. Either of them.

"Is that where we are? I don't recognize this room."


"It is."



"Can't say my memories of this place are entirely positive. Wasn't planning on coming back."


"Uh huh."


"I'm Lily. We should probably tell Headmaster Dumbledore about this."


Ellie makes a face. "I'm sure he'll know what to do. He always seems to. And hey, maybe he won't even kill me this time."


Wh... at?


"To be slightly fairer, he didn't do the deed personally. My death was just the final step in the last plan of his I participated in. I don't know if he foresaw my subsequent resurrection, but he was dead himself by that point so I am uninclined to give him any credit if so."


"...I now have additional questions."


"It's a bit of a long story. Are you going to try to hex me if I make myself a chair?"




"Great." Her wand drops into her hand out of her sleeve and with a few economical motions conjures up a comfortable chair to sit in.

"So did you want to start with specific questions or should I just start talking?"


"...Start talking."


"You'll forgive me if I am a little out of practice."

"I was born in 1980. Britain was under siege by a Dark Lord calling himself Voldemort and had been for some ten years. There was a prophecy that a child would be born who could defeat him, and my parents and I fit the description. They went into hiding, but Voldemort found them a little more than a year later. He attacked the house and- I was the only survivor. They called me the Girl Who Lived and credited me with Voldemort's defeat. Which was absurd, of course. But I didn't find all that out until I got my letter for Hogwarts, ten years later. Dumbledore shuffled me off to live with some Muggle relatives who were, shall we say, less than enthused by the idea."

"Over the course of my first few years of study, through various misadventures, it became clear that Voldemort had in fact survived the night he killed my parents as well. I'm not sure when Dumbledore put the pieces together, but he didn't tell me about the mechanism until much later. All I knew at the time was that Voldemort existed in some kind of wraith-like state, subsisting off dark rituals, possession, and unicorn blood. At the end of my fourth year, he kidnapped me to use my blood in ritual to resurrect himself to a new body. He succeeded. We fought to a draw and I managed to escape. Of course, the wizarding world did not want to believe their boogeyman was back, so I was generally disbelieved until the following year, when his attacks started back up in earnest."

"It was then that Dumbledore told me what he had learned of Voldemort's survival. There is a Dark object called a horcrux, which is created by murder and anchors a piece of the wizard's soul to this world. Voldemort had created seven of these, and by chance, I had found and destroyed one during the early misadventures. Dumbledore had found another but been caught by one of the traps laid to protect it, a slow-acting withering curse. Reluctantly, he began teaching me what I would know to find and deal with the others. Apparently he still believed in the prophecy. At the end of that school year, before we had begun to search for the remaining horcruxes in earnest, Voldemort staged an attack on Hogwarts. Dumbledore died. That summer, Voldemort openly conquered the Ministry and took control of magical Britain."

"I didn't return to school. Instead, with a few allies, I began hunting down the other horcruxes. It took us most of the year, scratching up old history and dodging his hunters. And I began to get the feeling that seven was the wrong number. I was experiencing- flashes, visions, of what Voldemort was doing or seeing in moments of heightened emotions, even through my Occlumency barriers. Dumbledore, I recalled, had been unaccountably relieved when he learned I had already been practicing that art when it came up in the context of the beginning of the hunt. There was one obvious reason that Voldemort and I might be connected, given the way he had been sprinkling bits of his soul around."

"I don't know for sure how Dumbledore planned to dispose of the horcrux that resided in me, but the only things that work to destroy one are basilisk venom, fiendfyre, and the Killing Curse. I was not likely to survive any of those. In the end, it came down to another fight between Voldemort and I, after all his other horcruxes had been dealt with. He believed in the prophecy too, you see. 'Either must die at the hands of the other'. He hit me with a Killing Curse. His horcrux died, but I didn't. I got back up and blasted his head off his shoulders."


"...So you're from the future?"


"Seems like it."


"It's currently 1976."


That would make her... fifth year? Maybe sixth, depending on what month it is.

"About thirty years in the future, then. Unless something weirder is going on."

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