we summed this thread up as 'ellie potter time travel momcest' in the conceptual stages
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"The diadem. It should be in the lost-and-found version of the Room of Requirement. The locket and the ring were both hidden in particular places elsewhere. I'm not sure where the cup and the diary would be at this time, they were only turned up after his followers had made arrangements after his death, but there might be a trail to chase down working from that end."


"I'll ask Ms. Reynolds - don't know if she's still around in your time, she's the Defense TA, and she's great. Plus one of Vol-dick's lieutenants is doing this weird flirt-fighting with her and might spill something."

"Also, do you mean the Come and Go Room? That's the one we're in right now, so we'd have to duck out then back in for the room of hidden things."


"Yes, this room then. I don't know a Reynolds, but the TA position had almost as much turnover as the professorship."


" - What happened with the professorship?"


"The position is cursed. Should be by now already..."


" - The History position is cursed. ...Here, at least. We've had the same Defense teacher the entire time I've been here, but there's a new History professor every year."


"Ah. Well, that's worrisome."


"It's evidence you're from a different universe, at least."


"Mm. But it calls in to question how much of my knowledge is applicable here."


"As long as magic works the same, you'll have a leg up in those areas. And we can compare notes on the rest."


"Nothing worth doing is ever easy, even in alternate realities."


"At least not on this scale."


"So it goes."



Out and back in, then? 


That would be the best way to get started.


She'll let Ellie summon the new room. 


It's been a while, but she still has the trick of it.

Back and forth, back and forth, lost and found, lost and found, lost and found.


The door reforms!

The room beyond is pretty clearly the same lost and found, only mildly changed from Ellie's day. 


Well, no harm in trying. Accio Ravenclaw's diadem?


...Nope! Though it's possibly warded against that. 


Yeah, it didn't work the last time either.

"We'll have to search it out. Last time it was on top of an old training dummy, next to a broken cabinet." She conjures an image for Lily. "It may also radiate an unnerving aura of evil, but people's sensitivity to that sort of thing can vary."


"Right." Time to start looking, then. Fortunately, Lily's spent a decent amount of time in this version of the Room...


"Send up sparks if you find anything." Most efficient to split up and search. Ellie's not holding her breath to find it first, despite having found it in a different world. She's never gotten the impression the Room likes her that much.


Sure enough, Ellie sees golden sparks from across the room before she finds anything of major note. 


Promising. She rejoins Lily.

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