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"I don't have understanding of how much that is. I would provide more gold if we decide just paying is best. I would consider myself in debt to you to an extent if we do that plan. Second idea, find where they are holding your people and use my invisible power and Spirit World power to sneak in with you, Captain, or someone you send, and take them home. Once we get to the captives, if they agree to join me after someone explains, I can take them all into the Spirit World, and then we can all leave the Spirit World at home. I can extend invisibility to at least one other person. I think I can do this, especially if it is tomorrow, not right now. Risks... If I run out of energy to be invisible and get caught. If we don't know where captives are, or captives get moved before we get there, or they are being watched and we are attacked while rescuing. Also, whatever the Cold Iron Shell decides to do after their leverage goes missing."

Mati, still in fox form, suggests, "Leave them a package in an important guy's office that says 'this could have been a bomb, don't mess with kitsunes'."

"That seems... Escalatory. I mean, I understand the impulse, Mati, but... Yeah."


The captain suggests that the most likely place to find the captives is somewhere in the factory, since the Cold Iron Shell is based somewhere in that building. It’s possible they have somewhere else to stash prisoners, but unlikely. 

“If invisibility is gone, we will require violence. Two against many to leave the building. Unlikely to succeed. I am willing if you are willing.”

They discuss the idea for a package amongst each other, and one suggests, “Package that says this could have been a bomb. Demand for negotiation is alternative to demand for backing away.”


"I would be willing. I would want to practice moving and fighting together first. And create codes or signals for clear, fast communication."


"I don't understand your idea for the package's message. It did not come through translation clearly."


”Understanding. When strategy is done, the day has time to drill.”

After a few tries and trying to cajole the amulet into cooperating, they can get their idea for the note across: ‘we could have snuck a weapon into your base, don’t mess with us’ should scare them but might provoke a reprisal. They suggest ‘we could have snuck a weapon into your base, here’s a time and place to meet and discuss terms’ still scares them but gives them a way out. 


"I agree, your version of the message is better. Negotiation should establish peace. We should discuss other ideas than invisibility rescue as well, in case there is something brilliant that will work better, or good ideas happen while thinking about it. Intimidation? Weiss can look reaaaaally scary when she wants to! You saw it earlier!"

Tessa gives Weiss a one-armed hug and another affectionate ear-scratch at this.


Several nods, they all saw when Weiss appeared from the spirit world ready for a fight. Scary indeed.

“The enemy possesses bravery from armor. Arrows rarely destroy armor so they possess bravery against arrows. They do not possess bravery against the forest of the elves.”


"The unknown is scary. Could the elves be paid to help? Could we pretend to have elves helping?"


“Pretending is more possible. Those elves are difficult. Even when trading refuse the use of the amulet in either direction. Impossible to plan battle without use of language.”


"Okay, what happens if we show up, like, raaaa, we're mad and magical and scary, give us those people back you have one day?"


There’s some discussion, the archers all disagree on what would happen. Maybe they fold and give them back. Maybe there’s a fight then and there. If they’re smart, they use the one day to gather all their forces and get ready. Captain thinks the third would be the worst, and that it might be a good idea to cause the second. “If we possess provocation, bring them out of the lair with words. Achieve violence before they plan and gather.”


"That kind of big ambush would be something to prevent reprisals later. Like, in a month they start fucking with us again, or they refuse to leave us alone to build off just some sneaking. But provoking them and then 'achieving violence' in a dramatic, decisive way would be a much stronger message, yes." 


”Understanding! A lesson of who can be interfered with! Break hold, no one paying protection.”

”Temporary leadership for possession of hostages. Temporary.”

”A decision of what approach to take for possession. It is within temporary leadership.”



"...I'd check in with your boss before expanding the mission objectives from 'rescue hostages' to 'break free of protection deal', if I were you. But, like, I'm not you, so..."


The captain gives a thankful look. “We will write down this plan. If it is best we will ask permission. Another plan. Ambush a patrol, possession of hostages. Store in your spirit world. Trade deal.”


"They have to be willing. Guests. It's symbolic."


“Understanding. Discard plan. You possess other ideas?”


"Not a whole new plan idea but we should consider the best use of my divination. Do we know what weapons and armor they use, do we know where their base is, where exactly in it the hostages are... What question, if answered, makes things the most easier?"


“Location of hostages. We likely know which hex possesses their base. Weapons and armor seen while patrolling. Sure location of hostages is of importance.


"I feel like we should get the hostages first, and then try provoking if that goes smoothly if we're going to try provocation at all. And we should only divinate for them right before we go."


“Understanding. Current plan. Tomorrow we attempt possession of hostages by divination then invisibility?”


"That is accurate to current plan. And today we spend some time drilling. -Do you have horses around here?"


“Our people do not possess horses. We once possessed a deal with their people, but our end failed. Now we walk and use carts.”


"Horses are people? I meant the ... Nonperson animals." She shakes her head. "I am fast and strong in fox form. For an important mission, if it makes sense to do so, I would be willing to wear a saddle and carry someone. I fight best in fox form anyway."


“Many worlds with nonperson horses truly have person horses but no sorcery for horse translation. Even with exceptions person horses object. Don’t want peoples to get used to no person treatment. Or—“

The translation amulet hums as it struggles with a concept. “pan-humanity of sapient life ideology reasons.”

”If you assent to carrying we accept. With respect and in events of truly necessary.”

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