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the city grows with each little community within
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"I am doing this as an aid to the construction, I will not charge for that. If you wanted some other scene for some other purpose, I would. Oh... I said 'free', didn't I? It costs us energy."

The little illusion floats over to the rock, orients, and- Snap. There it goes. It'll always face upwards, no matter how the rock tumbles. This has always been pretty intuitive to her. She's built elaborate, complicated illusions before- Games and the like, even. She starts juicing it up, and while thinking about it, gives it a toggle (being tapped three times).

"You can tap it three times quickly to disable it and again to resume. This will make it last longer."


"Misunderstanding. Blame placed entirely on translation object not on either you or I." 

Tapping the rock on and off a few times, looking at it closely. Turning it around to see if the illusion turns, that it stays facing upwards. An 'ooh' sound that gets translated to "Excitement, interest."


Ears twitch in amusement; Tail wags.

"I am unusually good at this. I can make them follow complex rules and play games with them."


"Complex rules. Introductions to my apprentice when time allows if you permit. Interested in games and magic objects in obedience of rules. After your project built."


"That could be fun. I'm fetching sisters for the next few days, just wanted to get this started first."


“A few days then. The specifics of project planning are not my role. I am simply the nearby person with translation and negotiation. Moments please.”


There’s a brief trip to the office of some sort of four-eyed accountant/manager/philosopher. The details of how many laborers and how long it will take and how many coins it will take are all sorted out. 


“A deal is achieved.”

Over the next couple hours, laborers and supplies make their way over from the apartment buildings hex to the empty hex. Axes and saws, buckets of paint and of some substance they use to treat wood, and other bits of equipment are all brought across the street by handcart. 


Where is the wood for this project coming from?


She has to cross into the Spirit World for this. Her departure looks less like her vanishing into thin air and more - taking a turn towards a direction that shouldn't exist. There's a brief sense of - being on a precipice, or in unfamiliar lands.

And she's gone. She picks several likely trees and gnaws and claws at them, letting the strength that surges through her form and the magic that she can call forth to her natural weapons do most of the work. She cleans them of most of the branches, snapping them under her teeth and claws. The splinters, urgh... But it's also nice to commit some mindless violence once in a while.

She's not sure these trees are, in any real sense, real, but she's sure they wouldn't mind too much being used for a shrine in any case.

Then, the whole mess is hefted in her maw and tail, and she drops back into reality with it, materializing with a sort thump. A cedar log with one end scarred with claws and bites, several big branches, and a lot of leaves are dropped to the ground.

"I think we need at least three more? Oh, feel free to take whatever scraps and leavings you want- And no need to take things away if you don't want them. I'll burn them all, later."


The workers here are surprised at the sudden disappearance and reappearance, but don't really question it.

They are happy to load any scraps into one of the carts as they finish cleaning and start treating the wood. The leader of this work crew, a one-eyed lumberjack looking type, says that three logs of this size should definitely be enough. 


She fetches three more trees. It takes about an hour and she's a little tired by the end of it. She's been using magic pretty liberally today.

Anything else the work crew needs before she vanishes for a few days to go on a recruitment run?


They have the materials, they have the illusion rock with the plans, everything is ready to go. A few shout something untranslated but is probably a 'safe travels'.


She thanks them warmly and vanishes into the Spirit World one last time.



"Ehm... Right. Oh runes of fate, beads on the weave... I call upon my sight to know what can be- Hey, stop that! I'm ticklish! To know what can be foretold. Let the future reveal what portents may come andthetruthIwillseeeeee-"


"No, seriously, stop when I'm prognosticating. Ahem. O runes, what troubles face Weiss Faron when she returns to the place that has been given?"


Violence. Destruction. Innocents, endangered.


That's not great.

She comes out wreathed in as much intimidating aura of illusion and flame she can, waves of radiating darkness and a certain sharpness and heaviness.


The gate and shed were nicely built and then meanly smashed. Bits of carved and painted wood are scattered on the ground. One wall of the temple shed building is intact and has a paper nailed to it.


Three of the archers from the neighboring buildings are pacing the area, looking at the bits of wood and the ground.


She cuts all the Intimidating Aura special effects, including the unsettling infrasound, as soon as it's obvious there's not a fight to be had right now.

Three other foxes appear around her, each of them much smaller. One is white and two are orangey-brown. They look around at the debris, aghast.


Weiss is furious. She shifts humanoid (keeping the tail and ears) and marches up to the paper and snatches it; She can't read it. The others pad over to her, still fox-shaped.

"This is some kind of fucking gang shakedown."

"Obviously, yes." Tessa says, blinking sleep out of her eyes. "You said you thought it was safe."

"I was wrong. Obviously. Without any active defenders, anyway-"

"Are you sure this is such a good idea, Weiss?" Megi wraps her tail around herself. "You said they didn't have any preconceptions about us, but if this is what we face anyway..."

"Well, we haven't gotten the full picture yet, or- Talked to the Guard or whatever passes for it. I'm more worried about what they've done to the Eyerarchy's people. They don't deserve any of that, I'm the target. Megi, how are you on energy?"

"I'm good, but you know healing is obscenely expensive, right?"


"You're going to insist on doing what you can, aren't you."


Tessa, the white fox, nuzzles one of her sisters and uses that catalyst to take human form, herself. She slaps her own cheeks a few times.

"Mmm. This is how a lot of early governmental structures worked, I think. Just raw violence as an incentive. We should investigate further before making any hasty decisions."

Blonde, taller and more buxom than Weiss, red eyes.

Tessa takes the paper and gazes around at the archers, who must be reacting by now.


The archers, most impressed by the spooky special effects before they got turned off, are backing away slowly with hands up. Their leader has a translator amulet and says, “Harm is not meant. The ones taken were our people. We are finding.”


"We are helping find." Snarl. "If you want help. It is unacceptable that your people were harmed because of working for us."


"We have a lot of miscellaneous abilities," Tessa says. "I think we should talk to a leader and discuss them and the investigation."


The words are on their side but the tone is threatening. Most of the archers step back again. The leader, out of bravado if nothing else, instead walks closer to talk.

"Blame placed on both of us. Threes and fours negotiated a deal, did not consider possible violence. Eyerarchy familiarity with area placed more blame than newcomers. Due to involved violence of situation, temporarily I am a leader to talk to."

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