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the city grows with each little community within
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"I'll have to go find them. As I said, I fell through the Spirit World."


“Aha! If you need any help finding them, tell me. The Ministry of New Peoples Acquisition employs explorers to travel the beyond and track down new peoples. I can send some.”


"That could prove very interesting. I think only Kitsunes could navigate the Spirit World reliably, as far as I know. It truly is heartwarming to see an organized and efficient welcome. Do you have any documents or such for me to review, describing how things are done? Perhaps some case studies or histories? One imagines some people might not appreciate being Acquired by the Ministry," she continues in the exact same pleasant tone. "I would like to better understand the process!"


“Oh. If your spirit world is accessible only to yours then our noosphere guys may not be much help. Still worth a try, if you’d like.”

”I can have documents brought to you but my translation only covers spoken words. It may be difficult to read them. I can speak of other cases myself or find others who would tell the story of their acquisition. As for unappreciated acquisition, this is not common. When the ministry sends agents to make the invitation, we only bring people to the city if they accept. Very few would cooperate with our city when acquired otherwise. For individuals who appear as you did, we have procedures to send those who do not wish to be here somewhere else.”


"I really need to find Tessa then. She's a total nerd and would love to learn new languages and governance structures. There's no rush, is there? Haste makes waste!" She singsongs the last bit. "Hmm, do people here like gold and jewels and stuff? I have some of that."


“It sounds like this Tessa would enjoy meeting several of my colleagues in the ministries. Many peoples here trade in gold or jewel. I prefer paper myself, less heavy.” 


One would think that, with occasionally periods of contact with several other worlds and magic systems, someone would find one made of gold or an easy way to create it. But so far none of them have had an easy solution.


"I could hardly have accumulated whatever fiat the city prints on bills before arriving! It is starting to sound like I should go find my most responsible sisters and bring them over 'fore aught else, hmm?"

And if the 'tyrant', what a wonderfully unpromising word for the translation to choose, is especially odious, she should probably not inflict him upon the people, come to think of it. Ahh, that's a problem for later.


The translation spell means tyrant in the classical sense, an individual who took power in ways against previous custom and law. Odious as he may be, the minister certainly isn’t trying to say that.


“Of course, though someone can give directions to an exchange.” Looking around. “Probably near the tower? Whether to bring the retinue first, it depends on how well you get along. Only one holds the key and all associated. Some quarrelsome peoples, the first individual asks to hire guards and gets a secure room in the palace before we bring in any others. You know yours better than I. Up to you when it is best to invite more.”


She doubts guards would make her much safer... Except as extra pairs of eyes and common sense detectors...

"We're not free of pranksters and troublemakers but I wouldn't describe us as quarrelsome, no. I appreciate you taking the time to come see me- It's just that there's hardly anything to be done quite yet except spread the word that we'd be happy to host a mausoleum - at some point - as long as we can have Kitsune attendants serving rites. The tower? You don't mean that one, do you?" She looks to the skyscraper bordering this hex. "I don't suppose you have a map on you that I could label in Notal?"


“That one, yes. Just a guess. Hard to keep an up to date map. We move the hexes around when we need to. It’s not too hard to find a local map, most places.”


"Oh, that sounds convenient." For screwing around with uncooperative peoples. "Yes, I thank you for the visit and I'm sorry you've driven out for not too much but I really should go fetch more of my people if we're taking this seriously. I'm not sure if you're the correct person to talk to for arranging some basic supplies in exchange for gold- It sounds like you'd have people for that rather than handling it yourself, Minister?"


“I do have assistants for basic tasks. Most of my work is in the palace making introductions and sending for the appropriate people to make these arrangements. Like arranging a meeting between you and someone in need of a mausoleum. A lot easier with everyone in one building.”

”Driving out to meet a new people is not much trouble. Better that I make the first introduction, it is my job. Once you make it to the palace, I can bring in anyone you want to get supplies from or get in contact with. Harder to do with you out here. I’ll send an assistant. To help you while you take time to build your retinue.”


"There's no rush. I'll likely be gone for most of a day, at least, perhaps two or three."


“Very well then, and safe travels. I will just return in a few days, when you are ready. If you need to get in contact before then, send a letter to my office by guild courier.”


"Good day to you as well! To the future, neighborliness, and prosperity!"


After the food Minister leaves, she's curious about these elves and wonders if any will come say hi if she sits on the side of the road near them for a while.


The people in the forest made themselves scarce as soon as they heard the engine, none can be seen. Even after a while, no one comes out to say hello.


Well, fair enough.

She takes out a few gold coins, the kind on a string with a hole in the middle, clinking nicely where it's held in her tail, then goes back to the eye people and looks for someone with Many Eyes, or else who wants to talk to her.

"I want to pay you guys to build something!"


In between the apartment buildings where the eye people live, there is a central common area. It has market stalls, a notice board with flyers, someone standing on a crate giving a speech, and many of these same eye-people going about their daily lives. 


Most people don't have any type of translation, but displaying the coins gets a message across. A one-eyed youth fetches an three-eyed elder who has a similar translation amulet. He then hears the request and– "We have laborers build things for pay. Architect and materials possessed or sourced?"


"Materials sourced. Architect unsure. I have an aesthetic I want followed but no precise plans. It does not need to be precise. A small construction a bit like a shed and a tall symbolic gate. Just those for now."

She illusions up a torii gate and a small, basic shrine in the air with a paw-wave. Just big enough for an idol, not even really a room.

"I will attach the images to a stone for reference... I can provide logs if they are a pain to source, raw logs, not prepared timbers."


“Appears simple to build with logs provided. I will bring the event to a four to determine prices and find laborers to allocate. Image attached to a stone?” 

Third eye flickers with interest at the illusion, seems the magic and the process of putting it in a stone is more interesting than the deal. 


Yeah, she's been keeping most of the abilities quiet.

...She adds a generic one eye figure next to the torii gate for a sense of scale.

"A rock. Or a piece of wood. Or anything. Something I can tell it to follow, so you can move it around. Many kitsunes are skilled with images. It will vanish eventually, depending on the energy invested... I only want to make it last as long as it needs to. Magic isn't free."


“Understanding! I can myself pay for the image stone magic.”

The three-eyed elder takes out a wallet and offers a few different types of paper bills with different symbols: sun-disc, dragon, cloud, and seashell.

The one-eyed youth is directed to find a rock, and quickly returns with a smooth stone. 

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