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the city grows with each little community within
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Oh.  A wooden hut isn’t a building in the sense that the any major players would get involved because it was damaged. But it’s philosophically equivalent, for this disagreement. She has a point there.

“Oh, that you have. Well, I’ll leave you to taking care of it. We both have meetings to get to, today. So until noice next meeting.”

With that, a hasty retreat.



"Your diplomatic mask cracked pretty bad there, Weiss."


She slumps.

"This is why kitsunes don't really have a city of our own, isn't it? It's a lot easier to let someone else do the work..."


"I think I sort of understand what you're trying to accomplish? Something like the spirit world temples, a place for kitsunes to just be. But without the isolation. Is that about right?"


"Something like that, yeah. I stumbled across this city by accident. It seemed too good a chance to pass up. But I'm mucking everything up..."


"I think... You're trying to do everything alone. Trying to take all the burden on yourself. That's now how things work, Weiss!"

Megi hugs her tail.

"Foxes sisters forever. Right? You don't get to be the only one who puts in the work. It's just us four today, so we're the only ones you have to worry about, and we can handle ourselves. We don't need much more than a little shrine, which we'll make arrangements to rebuild later. If more kitsunes show up- And I think they will over time, especially if we go spread tales- There will be more helping hands."


"I've always said that responsibility doesn't suit you. You like being the wandering heroine, not the reigning queen. If you really end up hating it, find someone good to pass the key to and wash your hands of it. Worst case scenario is- What? We have to leave the city? That puts us right back where we started, which was perfectly fine."


"I can't waste an opportunity this big! It'd be like- Like- Most people would help a starving person they see on the street, right? Or at least many would. Because they're right in front of them. And most people don't think about - all the starving people they don't see and never will - and I think I've struggled with this before and decided to ignore it... I can't push myself to make the optimal moral move for years on end. I can't. But I also can't do nothing. So I just feel shitty a lot of the time when I ought to be doing more but I'm too slow and stupid and weak to!"


Mati chimes in by jumping on Weiss's back. "No way, you're not stupid! You're one of the coolest kitsunes ever! You actually do stuff instead of sit around in the temples forever!"


Tessa offers a hug, too. Around her neck. Weiss nuzzles in. "What you've just described is not moral weakness, dear. It's a guilt complex. Bad thoughts that do bad things to you."

"You don't deserve that," Megi adds. "It's true that trying is not enough, but you do keep trying. You took pains not to hurt anyone. You're being careful nothing we do splashes on the eyerarchy. You're trying to explore a whole new world with the principle aim of doing good for a lot of people, even if you haven't gone very far yet. So just keep trying. And remember to take a break sometimes so you don't burn out."


She makes a sort of whimpery objection noise, but doesn't actually say anything else.




later that afternoon 


The Eyerarchy has two people show up to the Kitsune hex, a bit before the negotiations are set to start. The captain, silent with arms crossed, and the envoy who first greeted Weiss on arrival to the city. 

“We cede primary speaking but are present to display  support. Ask any questions to us before opposition arrives?”


"What do you want from this? I should refrain from making any promises or threats on behalf of the Eyerarchy, correct? How does this sort of thing usually go?"


“We want to avoid extended violence so to remain safe in our homes. We want to support our safety working and your safety living in your hex. Correct, no promises or threats on our behalf. Signal if you want support and if we think it best we will create promises or threats.”

”How these usually go: We are afraid. Opponent is afraid. To show fear is to be taken advantage of. To show bravery risks escalation. We attempt to see past the face into the eyes.”

”Best is understanding. Worse is shouting and future violence. Unlikely but worst is violence here and now.”


"I saw scared people working in the factory. I'm not happy about that. But it seems risky to interfere without understanding, so I won't. Today, I will say 'we will not be paying protection money, ever, we can protect ourselves and it is better if we do not have to protect ourselves from cold iron shell'. I am very confident I would win if I had to fight, even against many. But overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."

...That's a quote from something, she thinks. But what? Nevermind. Irrelevant.


The captain nods in agreement about overconfidence. 


“Understanding. Discussion among our people, if opposition starts fight today we will defend. If extended violence is declared, we will detach from you but specific individuals who possess hunger for victory may declare temporary exile to join you. If another day you make extended violence in objection to the factory this will remain true.”


"What do you think of a subtle intimidating illusion? Good idea or bad idea? More fear is less rationality..."


“Fear is best to begin. Once places are set, allow rationality for negotiations.” 


Stomping in from the factory, three armored representatives of the Cold Iron Shell. The leader has a full cape and much more sophisticated armor, with colorful glass bits built into the metal visor. Various boxy bits on the arms and shoulders, presumably containing some weapons or mechanisms. 

The whole suit of armor glows with magic, to anyone who has the sense. 


The envoy looks concerned at the armor. 


“Truce. Let’s talk.”


She shows no consternation at all. This is serious and she has enough poker face for it. The other kitsunes stand around in humanoid form, except for Mati, who is not present. One Captain, one elite- Who knows what all the magic stuff does, and that's a hell of a 'who knows'. Perhaps some of it is weapon-like. Perhaps some of it is illusion-piercing. If a fight breaks out her go-to will be blinding and chaotic illusions and bombardment by fire.

But overconfidence is, yes, a slow and insidious killer.

"Truce. Kitsunes will not be paying protection money."


“Right to business. I like it. But you’re not getting away that easy just because you sent me some mail.”

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