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the city grows with each little community within
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“Ha! To being alive, then.”

She raises a glass for another toast.


"To being alive!"

Tessa will spend the rest of the party to (slightly drunkenly) learn more of the local lingua and make steadily more impatient and undeniable hints about 'wanting a room for the night and not minding sharing' with cute twos.

The other foxes enjoy the food, and dance (even Weiss, a bit, when pulled into it by Mati!), and exchange neighborly well-wishes and eventually retire to their own hex; A very crude log-pile sort of structure is put up and the trio of Mati, Megi, and Weiss just veg out and cuddle in it. Mati digs a few holes to put Spirit Seedlings in, but it's a big hex and she gets tired of it before it seems to make much difference.


The party slowly winds down. Yes, victory celebration, but there’s work to be done in the morning. 

Tessa can acquire a bit more of the language, and acquire a room and a bed to share. The one individual bold enough to make the offer is met with some impressed looks and some ‘no, you’ll make things weird with the potential ally’.

The others receive neighborly farewells, and Weiss is very solemnly given a branch of some unexplainably significant shrub. 


Blink blink blink. This feels like it could be important?

"Megi? Of all people, you are the one I would trust to care for a, uh, sacred branch. And I'm tired. Can you ask what this is about?"


She takes it delicately and solemnly examines the branch.

"Of course, dear. Ahem. Though I don't know the full meaning of this gesture, I would certainly like to. We would all despair to see anything of spiritual importance disrespected."


They don’t know the full meaning either. The priest who introduced them to Lady Victory and taught them this celebration said to grow this shrub and give a branch to the guest of honor. Never explained what it means or what the guest of honor does with it after. 


The captain also got one and is considering making it into an arrow. Not good arrow wood, but it might be blessed or something.


(...She checks if the branch is magic in any way.)


"Who is Lady Victory? An imposing figure indeed from the name, like our own Light Gods?"


The branch Is very faintly magical, but in the way a lot of plants are very faintly magical. 


Someone calls the three-eyed individual whose job it is to know the gods and the four-eyed individual whose job it is to remember and understand legends. They can put a picture together:


An imposing figure indeed. Across countless worlds she is worshipped as the goddess of love and war. In visions and dreams she shows the sweet fruits that victory will bring, and so stirs men and armies up to kill and die. 

She will not help you in the battle. That part you have to do yourself. 

But when you need a reason to fight, she will be at your side. When you celebrate afterwards, she will be at your side. 


The two-eyed, specifically, murmur approvingly at the description. 


She nods solemnly. 

"...Akin to Galasa, whose sign is the comet, the light goddess of the call to action. To duty. And of the journey to adulthood. I like it. I think I shall try to grow this- Though I might fail, I feel an urge to try."


They look impressed at Galasa. Guess that as ‘the light that calls to action’ she’s probably a relative of Victory. Curious to hear more about her, but when it’s not so late in the day.

The Eyerarchy priestly types encourage Megi in growing the branch, and ask to see it, if she succeeds. 


"I don't think you have it quite right... But I'll be happy to explain the Light Gods and Galasa specifically further, another day."

The foxes will mostly relax on their own hex and begin planting seeds from Weiss's forest for most of the rest of the day, after that.


It’s good soil for planting, if a bit bland and generic. 


day/night cycle progresses as is standard


The roaring sound of the engine approaches, unpleasantly early in the morning. 


Uuuuuuugh. This guy again. Why is it so LOUD.

She does not come out of her log pile.


Megi and Mati will, though. They make a show of preparing holes for more seedlings and marking out rough locations for future paths. They'll ask Weiss for a light shower, later.


The Minister of New Peoples Acquisition has arrived!


With company! There are three silvery autowagons this time, one longer and more blocky looking. 


“Hello. Kitsune people, I arrived as fast as I could. There have been reports of new arrivals and of enemies troubling you. I am here to greet the first and offer protection against the second.”


"Oh, that would have been convenient two days ago when the workers Weiss hired with her hard-earned gold were abducted. I've since heard so many pleasing things about this city, like 'violence is not a monopoly, it's a free market'."

Her tone is frosty.

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