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Tessa heard 'the good stuff' and was right there as soon as she could be!


Typical wood elf type in deerskin garb, pouring from a bottle into tiny glasses. “The good stuff! Anyone asks, you didn’t get it from me!”


She isn’t speaking the Eyelanguage or any other previously encountered language. It’s the Queen’s English, or something like it.


She is grinning. This is ancient Tirran! Or something like it. 

"How good are we talking on a scale of 'it'll burn if you take a match to it' to 'prepare to see the Light Gods'?"


“I’d say it’s a… made by the thing we have instead of ghosts, and we’re not supposed to share with outsiders because the first time we did some king started a war just to taste it again.”


Human kings don't really need that much excuse.

"Oh, stars and spirits, I really shouldn't but I absolutely will." Here is a small cup. "We don't linger in the Spirit World, we reincarnate... Eventually. I'm used to there being, like, ten? Kinds of people, not ten thousand. Really got to go see that library soon."


“Ten peoples, oh so parochial. But you’re in the city now, newbie. Cheers!”

Pour some into the cup, and then raise her own. 



This is going to hit like a truck, she knows it. She's had magical alcohol before, witches make it, sometimes. It might or might not be less potent than this stuff. Either way: The trick is to take a deep breath and go slooooooowly.

The zen of gluttony: Enjoy it while it lasts!


It’s strong, first of all. The sort of thing that ‘ordinary mortals’ should only drink a small cup of and call it a night. Burns, but there’s also a slight peppercorn flavor. In addition to the normal effects of making the drinker somewhat drunker, it has a couple magical effects. First, confidence and grace in movement; where some spirits make one stumble, this one imbues every step and gesture with poise. Second, time feels a bit different, like the opposite of a busy day when time flies. 


Via finishes her own glass and makes it vanish in a stagemagicianlike manner. ”Now why don’t you introduce yourself, less you’re the type to guard your name.”


She wants to dance like this. It's very nice.

"Good stuff. Really good stuff. Hmm? Truly potent name magic would be scuffed, everyone knows each others' names already. If that's what you're implying, you can't scare me that easy. Mine is Tessa, a kitsune, of a world we hadn't really bothered to name. How about you? You from that forest over yonder?"


“I go by Via around here, of those woods. You never know, maybe I am one of those elves who steals your name and sells your identity to the mimics.”


"It'd be an interesting experience in a very gruesome sort of way. I'm not that much of a masochist, though, so I'll decline. This drink seems most excellent for dancing, you know..."


“Oh I know. They say it makes it too easy, but I don’t mind that.”

She turns her head to give a look to the trio of Eyerarchy musicians.


The three eyed musicians, with their bells and handheld drums, snap to attention and switch from ‘vaguely festive ambiance’ to ‘fast paced dance music’. 


"What a curious shorthand translation of 'please play something faster'."

She shoots an apologetic glance to the musicians.

She extends her hand and steps into some sort of ready pose, one foot slightly behind the other. "Let's figure out how to move together, hm~?"



She mirrors the ready pose, and then— movement.

She’s excited, curious, and really enjoying the grace from the magic drinks. Very quickly, she starts throwing some complicated and fast  zigzag maneuvers into the dance. The first part of ‘figure out how to move together’ as Via sees it, is ‘can you keep up?’.


Tessa has never been a physical prodigy but she is paying a lot of her considerable brainpower to reading her partner and keeping up. Mirroring one for one, at least, is pretty doable.


The lack of physical prodigy is a bit disappointing, but keeping up is keeping up. After a few rounds, Via relaxes and gets a bit less intense, so Tessa has a chance to do her own thing instead of just mirroring.  


Her first escalatory move would be 'accidental' brushes of her tail during spins and the like. And using her newfound observations of Via's dance patterns to try to pick moves calculated to be unexpected and trip her up.


Oh? Oh it’s on. Easily and gracefully recover after the first two gambits, just so it’s very obvious that she can. Then she’ll ‘accidentally’ trip while trying to match an unexpected move, and almost fall in an extremely catchable way. 


Tessa catches! And leans down slightly, lips parted... Then props Via back up with a spin and a gentle light slap.


She immediately turns the spin into a move and is back to the dance as if nothing happened. Pose and and expression are still poised, but she’s blushing entirely unsubtly. 


Heeeee cute. She grins again.

And if Tessa pulls the same near-fall maneuver?~


Via catches! Catches with a fairly tight grip, and digging the fingernails in just a bit. Lingering like that for a moment, keeping eye contact. 

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