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the city grows with each little community within
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She hands over her glass jar of chili powder. She - perches somewhere out of the way, and tries to keep her head from swirling and swimming and just enjoy the moment.

The people you got captured are rescued! All is well! Let more borrowed trouble come tomorrow.

...The melancholy won't go away that easily. But she can distract herself from it. She'll look for that guy who wanted to discuss conditional illusions with her and his apprentice, how about.


Alcohol: imminent but not yet. There’s a storeroom full of bottles and kegs, but it’s locked and they’re not opening it until the victory party is officially declared. Seems the tradition here is to keep all alcoholic drinks in the communal store and limit who can distribute from that store, ‘so things don’t get chaotic’.


Mati can easily find a group of kids engaged in some sort of game based on chasing each other and occasionally all climbing a tree, counting to twenty, and then climbing back down and resuming the chaser. 


For those seeking specific individuals, a few of them suddenly developed faces differentiated from the general crowd!


The bringer of baked goods, delighted to be known as the bringer of baked goods!
“The horse archer scene would be amazing if you could get it. Everyone’s talking about how legendary they were. I missed it because I ran off to get those baked triangles, worth it!”


The elder is still sitting on a chair set up outside, holding a ripped jacket. With a look of concentration and a wave of the hand, the garment mends. 


A young apprentice sits attentively and watches the magic being done.


"She brought me here, so I see that I'm owed some pay. I'll probably ask her tomorrow when she's not so - sad. Mrr! Weiss, you gained victory. You got what we wanted, nobody got hurt."


“Sounds kinda like the captain, grumpy even when we’re having festivals. We should cheer her up somehow! Would finding more baked triangles do it?”


"Maybe? I think mostly she is-" She casts about for words. "...Oh no! This is my bad! People are fighting! The city is bad for kitsunes and kitsunes are bad for the eyerarchy! I need to be sad. -I think the party will help. I think hugs will help."


“But… we’re the greatest city, even with the Problems! The fighting isn’t even anyone’s fault, it’s just how it is. Really hope the party helps, because that’s serious.”


"She likes only fighting things that aren't people. Or are people that only want to kill and hurt. It's kind of lazy. Avoid hard decisions. Most people here aren't that simple, though. Maybe we can show her some great things about the city? I don't think she's gone more than one hex away."


“I see.” 

“Day passes for the underground movement tunnels are cheap. With a day off, visit the best places. Sky Bazaar! Disorienting Light and Noise! Horses! Great Library! Designated Monument Zone! House of Victory… though she might not like that one if she doesn’t like fighting people.”


"I don't see some of those. I want to see the great library. She might like to meet horses or see the monument zone. She might like fighting if it's only hurt and not kill and... Ehm... Respect? Weiss is frustration sometimes. I think she should be less shy, but I am me and she is she." Shrug.


Shrug. “Such is being friends with different types. Maybe get a whole expedition that can split into smaller groups to see different things!”


"Predict Weiss will want to go alone instead. Predict Weiss will want to stay here and be sad about things instead." She grumbles.

...She has an urge she really shouldn't indulge. These guys seem shy and he didn't appreciate the topic coming up last time.

"...How many golden suns for a day of seeing the city? How many golden suns is a golden circle this big?" She mimes a coin.


“Usually best to travel in numbers. If it was my friend, we would ignore wanting to stay inside to be sad and drag along anyway. Doing something makes it easy get distracted from anger and wanting to be sad. I don’t know your friends though, if that would work.”

”…Unknown. I can read numbers and know how many to give for buying small things, not enough eyes to convert metal sun dollars.”


"I will ask someone else. We should drag her, yes. Megi will help. Maybe day after tomorrow."


“I see!” (tone: yes let’s do it)


We interrupt any conversations, it is time announce the start of festivities with a loud bell. 


The Master of Ceremonies, a figure wearing a feathery costume and mask, announces the official start of a victory celebration. All the lanterns are lit at once. Several blessing are invoked. First the thousand eyed being, then the lady victory, then the maiden of fruit and grain. 

“Additional thanks regarding victory for 2 Captain Be and Kitsune Weiss! Individuals cause of our fellows returned home and of this victory celebration! Drink and feast in honored names!”

With that, tables of food are unveiled and cups are passed out. The dishes are mostly breads and vegetables coated in honey, all brightly colored. Everyone wanders from table to table, trying the different foods and having excited conversations.


Would it be fun to put on a show of sneaking around the factory, set to the Mission Impossible theme? Yes. It would also reveal the trick, so she doesn't.

Weiss piles a plate high with one of everything, instead. It's a great chance to learn about new cuisines! Maybe whatever Megi did with the chili powder will be around somewhere, too.


Booze! Revelry! Music!

Chili powder improved dishes are certainly present. The archers and some of the tougher looking manual laborers are, of course, using it as some kind of test of endurance. The more sophisticated types are instead savoring the meal and snobbishly commenting on the ‘competition’.

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