the city grows with each little community within
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Amused yip. "I'm sure you both are fine archers, equal to the great Robin Hood. A dragon would be... Difficult. What do you advise, then? Fetching sisters of mine who can warn and protect and distract?"


"Advise allies who can warn and protect and distract. Allies must be trustworthy, any of your people can take and use the key. I cannot say too much but can warn this. Our people were betrayed by one of our lowest, a single one, now our key and hex are not our own."


Barely audible, the distant roar of an engine. 


Her ears twitch to the engine noise, but she dismisses it as background.

Whaaaaat? A kitsune betray their kind?

Okay, sure, pranks and mean jokes happen sometimes. She still remembers what happened in Whitewater. But... Some of them are not very smart, it is true. They could be tricked, or take a prank too far, even if it's not really malicious. She'll just have to take responsibility and impress on anyone she finds how serious it is. Some kitsune are weird kitsune. She's weird along several axes.

"Hmm... That is tragic. If we have time, I would like to hear the full story later. Serious things are so stressful, though... This should be exciting, not worrying, don't you think?"


A downcast look. "Were this the golden age, new arrivals should be time of nothing but celebration and excitement. Things are not as they should be. I cannot say too much."


"...Enough of such dark topics." Her tail whaps the ground firmly. "I would like to hear of you! Why are eye-numbers important? Do you gain them with age? I have never seen such a thing, it is interesting. Do you know of the neighbors in the forest? Are my questions annoying? What would you have from Kitsunes as neighbors?"


A smile, at the move to better topics. "One eye sees the simple world and work to be done. Two eyes see the depth of the world and the movement of the spear. Three eyes see the depth of the soul and the movement of the spirits. Four eyes see the truth and what must be done." This is a soothing rhythmic phrase in the original language, though the translation amulet butchers it.

"We do not typically gain or lose eyes. To lose is a great tragedy, to take more is to claim the Eyerarchy incorrect in eye place assignment. The forest is of an elf people. They are secret not neighborly but some trade fruit and art and song. We gladly answer questions we can say the answers of, out of spirit of neighborliness. We would have first assurance of a safe boundary, second positive relations and to know each other. We do not know your possibilities yet but hope that a new people established remember the friendly greeting and any help establishing from the Eyerarchy."


Mrrrrrr being all Maximum Solemnitude is grating on her. She already wants to break off into a sprint somewhere else. (Her ears and tail are twitching about it.)

"You can be sure I will remember it. I don't know where to start describing 'our possibilities', I admit."


The one in robes gives Weiss an understanding look. "With our fruit basket given and introductions made, we may return home and then return here at another time for discussion of possibilities and dealings when you are ready?"


"Maybe for the best. I'll go fetch some sisters, I think."


The group waves goodbye and heads back to their apartment buildings.


The sound of an engine gets closer and louder, prompting them to get out of here in a hurry.


Cops. Her very first thought at an approaching vehicle is 'cops', for some reason.

...One the one hand, dealing with that sounds like a pain in the ass. On the other hand, messing with cops does sound pretty fun. On the tail, if she just lets them do whatever they wanna do while she's away, they could set a trap or something. And this place is hers

She'd be a lot more inclined to run if the magical overstructure of the City hadn't all but told her 'this place is for Kitsunes'. She has a responsibility to defend it! In both the realms of physical defense and what she's getting the sense is a battle of legitimacy or influence, homeowner's association style.

She brings the key out from her tail long enough to set a stiff breeze at their backs, then hides it again. Godspeed, eye people.

And then......

She becomes invisible and sneaky-sneaks over to part of the hex closest to where the engine noise is coming from, to listen and watch.

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