the city grows with each little community within

...She died once. Or perhaps 'he' died. The memories of that world are getting vaguer and vaguer, though, as she spends more time wandering this new one. Faint impressions of air conditioners and phone screens and cars and skyscrapers. The things that stuck out, the learned intuitions of how the modern technological world works. Instant ramen, student loans. Crosswalks, new phones. Fake news, lease-to-own. It's all so loud and busy and it felt terribly, horribly important at the time. Money. Career. Achievement. Marriage.

She's forgotten most of it. It's probably for the best. How long has it been? She keeps forgetting who's supposed to be King these days, so probably a while, right? It's still King Dolemus for now, right? Probably.

Being a fox, a kitsune, has been fun! There's very little pressure. It's somehow comfortable to exist as a wolf-sized predator in the woods, digging in the dirt with her paws and sniffing out rabbits and badgers and the like. And it's really fun to visit towns and cities once in a while, transformed into her half-form and wearing an illusion to look like an ordinary traveler, or a wandering bard, or a mysterious merchant, to chat to people and enjoy the ambiance and occasionally pull pranks and mess with them. And she really enjoys good restaurant meals and nice, handmade cakes and sweets. They even give her a little extra boost of energy!

Let's not talk about the other things that give her extra energy. She wants to whine in embarrassment every time she remembers the Red Dream, her awakening night when she stopped being a fox and became a Kitsune.

Anyway! Today is a good day. She found a leyline convergence recently, those magical places that human wizards and kitsunes alike so love to flock to and bask in. And this one's in a remote area and alllll hers. Aside from a few fellow foxes who were in the area. So she's just curling up and taking a nice nap, basking in the warmth of the magic as she slowly breathes it in. Until the power grows, and grows, and surges

A dimensional crack!

Perhaps she could avoid falling into it if she really wanted to, but it does sound like a fun adventure. She lets it open under her paws, and falls towards whatever awaits.

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Welcome to Greatest City Comsopolicropolis. Please inform us if there is a greater city so that we may overcome it. New arrivals will be deposited in the hexagon of their people. 




Kitsune, such a people does not yet exist in Great City Cosmopolicropolis. How can this be? Cosmopolicropolis is the city of all peopleses. Generating new hexagon.


Here is a hexagon of flat grassy land, around a fourth of a square mile. Surrounding it are paved streets, and on the other side of each street another hexagon. Most of the neighbors aren't flat; they have forests or apartment buildings or dirt mounds or a tall and shiny tower. In the distance, many more hexagons and a skyline full of buildings. 

Here is the Key to your Hexagon. It is made of gold and crystal, with an image of a fox head on the bow. It belongs to your people. 


Ooh, shiny! She catches it with her tail and admires the shininess.

...Uhhh, what? A city? That's really not what she expected from the rift. Did it 'catch' her and move her here? And generated a new area just for her? Oh, for Kitsune more generally... Interesting... Yeah, she probably will be able to go home through the spirit world, or create a path for some of the more wandersome Kitsune to get here, come to think of it.

She runs the perimeter of 'her people's space', observing the surrounds with a flicker of orange flame and the shiny Key on her tail.


Running the perimeter of this hexagonal flatland, the paved streets are mostly empty with the occasional pedestrian or cart. On the other side of each street are the following:

To the north, apartment buildings of red brick, four stories tall. From balconies, one-eyed cyclopslike men and women look down and point. 

To the northeast, a dark forest, faces watching through the trees.

To the southeast, nothing at all. Not even flat ground, just empty hex. 

To the south, a grey factory complex, chimneys pointing into the sky. The smoky air does not cross into the streets.

To the southwest, a tower tower, filling almost the entirety of the space provided, covered in many colors of shining metal and grass.

To the northwest, dirt mounds full of giant ants, who continue at their work and pay the new arrival no mind.


The people to the north are correct and proper! They are appreciating her!

She comes back to them after her circuit and wags her tail and shows off a bit, doing great leaps into the air and backflips and rolls and leaving pretty spirals of blue flame in the air and laughing, though it comes out as more of a series of happy yips in fox form!


They cheer and applaud at the acrobatics and flame. Soon there are many more of these guys out on the balconies; most one-eyed but some with two or even three eyes. A couple more serious ones only look out for a moment before going back inside.


Wow, they grow eyes like she's gonna grow extra tails soon! They say it takes about a century, and she must be close now, they've gone though at least two different Kings that she's aware of... Anyway! This is fun, but the key seems kind of important. She stops showing off after a while and-

-She doesn't want to go humanoid right now, it's expensive, not hugely so but definitely not something to do trivially. So not quite yet. She goes a bit away from the apartments and puts the key on the ground in front of herself and tries to, like, magically poke at it. She was never very good with human magic, or whatever other exotic form of magic this is, though.


They wave again, but once the show is done most will go back inside. 


The key vibrates, magically, when poked. Something in the air and the land is poked too, and gentle breeze picks up.

The key is a key and it is full of the possibility to lock and unlock. Even someone with no magic at all could probably feel that turning it one way locks this place and the other unlocks it. What else it can do if poked in different ways is harder to tell.


Oooooh. Ooh. Ooh. Poke poke poke poke.

She wants a nice breeze. She wants light clouds. She wants trees! She wants a shrine! Poke poke poke poke.


Clouds, the key can do. Vegetation and buildings, not much. It mostly cooperates with wanting more or less clouds or wind in different directions, but occasionally poking gets an unexpected gust, suddenly cools the entire area, or makes the air smell a bit worse. 


This is really cool!! It's novel and interesting enough that she will keep at it for a while, trying to get a feel for the range of things and make things she did accidentally happen on purpose, again. Cold! Wind! Smells! They could have snow days!! She could do great kite shows if she can control the gusts finely enough!! 


It is actually kind of hard to get precise control, and the air still doesn't smell exactly normal. But heat and cold are doable, warm or cold wind, and enough wind for kite flying even if not precise enough to directly control the kites. Partway through her experimentation, she will be interrupted. 


A group of six have crossed the street. They approach, but stop once they reach a respectful distance. Four of them wear padded vests, quivers on their backs; they are holding bows. Not drawn back yet, but ready if needed. One wears basic work clothes and carries a woven basket. One wears red robes decorated with gold thread, and a brass amulet. The ones holding bows have two eyes, the one with the basket one eye, and the one in robes three eyes. The one in robes steps in front of the others and speaks a greeting in some language. 


She's not afraid of bows. She might be afraid of machine guns if that skyscraper over there has any. Or magic. Some kitsune can see magic, but she can't- She has plenty of other powers though, no need to get too greedy.

...Okay, she's a little afraid of losing the shiny if there's a scuffle. It goes into her tail, the fur swallowing it up without a trace when she smacks it over the key.

...Wait, skyscraper? Huh.

She sits imperiously, facing them fur puffed up and billowing majestically in the strong breeze, and uses her illusion magic to create sound. It's basically the same as talking. She even moves her muzzle and lips for it!

"I'm afraid I don't understand you. This is Notal, the language I know best. I also speak a bit of the North Tongue, Atsosi. And I also know enough Kalgin to get by."

Headtilt, to see if any of those landed.


The brass amulet opens up, revealing metal lips inside. They move and speak in a tinny voice. "Notal, the language I know best. I also speak a bit of the North Tongue, Atsosi. And I also know enough Kalgin to get by." The amulet then repeats the same in their language. 

Then the person in robes speaks in their language, but the amulet repeats in Notal: "We greetings. In the name of Great City Cosmopolicropolis, the name of our own people the Eyerarchy, and the name of Max Regular Hexagon Zone Residential. We bring an offering of neighborliness."

The one holding the basket opens the lid, revealing colorful fruits inside.


An offering! It gives her a flush of happiness. She knew these people were good sorts!

Ahem. Maintain poise for now. Maximum solemnitude.

"I accept the offering in the spirit of neighborliness, with gratitude. My people are the Kitsune, and I am the only one here now, but that may change soon. The path remains open, I can feel it clearly. Though I cannot say I expected it to lead to a Great City."


“The greatest city!”

”Pardon. If you are to brink your people, we welcome neighbors all to the tapestry of Cosmopolicropolis. When you are ready, we welcome visiting to our homes, and offer introductions with relevant persons and institutions.”


While the translation thing works, she gently nabs the basket with the tip of her long long tail, then nomfs the topmost fruit.

"I will not bring them or keep them away. If my sisters are interested, they will come. If not, they will stay. Now is a fine time for introductions, as you can see there is little here to keep me busy yet."


The topmost fruit is dark red, and tastes a combination of sweet, tart, and bitter


"Introductions to us are good now, but visiting and bringing visiting here..." A pensive pause made even longer by the translation gap. "There is danger in departing your hex or accepting powerful guests before bringing allies who protect against many who would take your key."


Hahahaha... She'd like to see them try. Not to brag or anything, but only the really top tier of the nasty monsters back home are much threat, and those are generally stupid enough to turn around in an illusion.

Except... Well, a word of caution is something to listen to. And people are smart, and always a lot trickier than dumb brutes.

"I am not weak. Though I don't know what is weak or strong in this city, bows are no threat to me. Would these dangers pose a threat to bystanders? I would lament to see innocents hurt through my recklessness."


The translator amulet processes the comment about bows and the archers crankily protest. The robed one raises a hand to silence them. 

“Pardon. The pride of twos is binocular vision and use of projectile.”

“Great heroes and dragons can ruin and burn. Usually, they do not fight directly. To take a key from someone alone, they may.”

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