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People had been warned to be very discreet, it'd have complicated my life if I were asked to do something about you sleeping with women, but I had delivered the news and the warnings and so occasionally got feedback.


Ha. Fair enough. ...What would you have done if someone had in fact asked you to do something about me sleeping with women?


I would have announced that Himring was now strictly enforcing the laws on our books about homosexuality, which say that since it's such a serious matter a witness has to personally witness the whole act to have standing for an accusation.


That's hilarious.


I got it through back home, too. Did so without in fact taking a stance on the piece of legislation myself, and by a wide enough margin of votes that I could actually vote against it.


Snort. Brilliant. Congratulations.


Childish, really, but it was satisfying.


You must know very politically savvy children.


I knew by the time I was twenty-five or so everything my father was doing that alienated people and it was excruciating, I felt so helpless. I tried giving him advice but I wasn't yet very good at giving it and he's never been any good at taking it.


Oh dear.


I don't blame child Maitimo for much but I desperately want to go find Maitimo of a thousand years ago and say to him 'there is too much at stake, stop, stop everything, figure out boats and figure out weapons and fix your father you might barely have enough time'.


We really did act like we had all the ages of the world.


They complete their circuit of the river and come back. He gives her regards to convey to Findekáno.

Will do.

And to Nolofinwëans she goes.

And the Nolofinweans are having sailing races again, and Fingon waves at her and comes over to say hello.


"Hi!" And she conveys Maedhros's regards, first of all.


How did it go?


Better than he feared, although I was rather disappointed - She summarizes.


He nods. You were disappointed because you were thinking of my uncle as a good person who made a few notable bad mistakes instead of a deeply dysfunctional one who occasionally does good anyway, like a drunk horse might mostly walk forward.


Well, she says, after that and some experiments with ice we talked about a bit and he wound up deciding to invite you to dinner but Maedhros thinks you'll just be rude to each other the entire time.


Probably. I do not think very highly of him though I can in fact at need not express it.


And he thinks you're boring, which I imagine isn't something you can contradict to best effect while he's being rude if you're being polite, and being rude back would have its own set of problems.


Yup. Did he at least agree to manage damage if it comes out?

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