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Yeah. He doesn't like the story but for different reasons than I.


I didn't expect him to like it. Why don't you?


To my galactic sensibilities it makes you sound vaguely awful, so my options if called upon to have an opinion on the gossip would be 'misrepresent my general ethical beliefs', 'denounce you even though I like you', and 'conspicuously claim that voyeuristic gossip does not contribute to a restful break'.


It's very much false and wouldn't be something I'd be comfortable with naturally but...if Maitimo had his mind set on that arrangement for some reason he could certainly talk me into it. What would you be denouncing me for?


Involvement of sexual favors in the handling of unfriendly debts is frowned upon, and the story leaves room to also suspect you of preying on the mentally ill.


You're welcome to propose a better one.


I don't have one. This does not make me incapable of disapproving.


Then, if it comes up, denounce me with a clean conscience, I don't mind and I prefer this narrative, politically, to ones that you'd presumably find less objectionable.


I can probably muster a good 'ugh. Quendi'.


I don't think I'm taking advantage of his mental state, he seems clear on what he wants.


You're not, in reality you are quite in the clear.


But reality will not play very well in the streets.


Ugh. Quendi.


We're so used to it that I am disconcerted every time it bothers you. But - yes. I suppose.


I too suppose. I am looking forward to Arda hitting the rest of the galaxy and learning a few things. Although I suppose the Dwarves didn't do the trick.


We don't talk about sex with them much, and this sort of thing wouldn't even make sense. I expect it'll be meeting sexually compatible peoples that'll do the trick.


Yeah, I segued into figuring out what was up with Dwarves through my Allspeak glitch anecdote.

Clever. And Men do it your way but everyone just thinks that's because you taught them.

I think people will have a hard time adopting sensibilities under which most of their past activities were grievously wrong.

And who is doing wrong things according to my sensibilities?

You haven't discussed them in depth but, at a guess, everyone in the royal family who solicits people who'd never disobey us, everyone broadly who arranges marriages, anyone who got married for security or house membership or food beside Cuivienen and everyone who married someone knowing that those were their partner's reasons...


There's ways to circumvent power imbalances if you try but it's possible no one's trying. I did complain about arranged marriages. Marrying for those reasons is not ideal but not necessarily immoral.


People certainly try. I doubt they try to meet galactic standards, and some probably try more than others.


Well, I suppose in this case I can hope for enough hypocrisy that they at least cut it out going forward and teach their kids something more palatable.


I doubt we'll end up adopting everything you believe. But yes.


Bit much to hope for.

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