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That's sweet.


Separately we discussed whether, if I am mostly using him for emotional stability, I'll still be happy with this relationship should I ever recover emotional stability myself. He said I am likely to find something else to use him for, which didn't seem like the world's most reassuring answer, but then he started making suggestions and it was very cute.




I don't think I'll make Maglor spend a day here again, then my not-going-home'd be really conspicuous. But I miss him.


And I suppose having him as a guest would be conspicuous too.


You could make him look like someone else, I guess.


...if you get generic permission to have Noldo guests, sure, according to the same principle by which I obey the no-weapons policy with Lævateinn in a harmless shape but on my person; if they think they're letting in someone on a shortlist I'm not willing to sneak him by.


I wouldn't expect you to. I don't think I can get generic permission to have Noldo guests, it's a suspiciously vague ask and Lúthien will just say 'who do you want? we can invite them!' which is honestly very reasonable.


Yeah. Sorry.


I approve of following rules set by people you don't agree with and don't have to listen to on general honor principles, trust me.


How far out do you think you are?


Nine years objective. Had to rip out half of the first big chunk, I'd done it wrong...


Oh, that's plenty of time for me to teach Lúthien everything I can usefully teach her, he says delightedly. And not the longest I've had to avoid being seen anywhere near Findekáno.




Are you going to be able to hold up? That's - a long time of obsessive focus -


It is. I might take longer breaks somewhere in there. And/or ask Fingon if he is really really sure that he doesn't know of any Quendi lesbians in his host pretty please, because I assume you only exhausted the ones in Himring and didn't have them all to yourself.


I think a greater-than-average share of people who were doing vaguely unacceptable things joined our host, but certainly not all of them. There are also sex acts between men and women that definitely don't result in marriage, we mostly discourage people from that lest they get overwhelmed and decide to take the risk but you do not seem remotely likely to.


I don't know if I'd be able to undo any slip-ups yet, however unlikely one might be. I can control myself for another nine years rather than get anywhere near the edge of that particular risk.


I can make quiet inquiries around here for you.


Ooh, Doriath lesbians. If it wouldn't jeopardize anything you're doing...


Oh, I like having lots of projects at a time. And if you're good in bed perhaps it will simplify things that I am doing.


In fact I am!


I have actually already heard this!


Really? People were gossiping?

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