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Hard to predict, there are certainly a lot of ways it could go badly but it is not inevitable.


Is this like last time where your standards for it going well are really low?


My father is not going to tenderly embrace my affianced and say that he's delighted he'll be part of the family and regrets leaving him in Araman. He might stubbornly grind out something like 'obviously had we known you'd come anyway we'd have sent back the ships, I underestimated you' and Findekáno'd be suitably moved by that, from my father that's a big concession.


Also if his sort of relenting on things was prompted by learning other places only have paperwork marriages that's not actually a very good hook to hang reconciliation on.


I suppose not.


Unless you're ending Quendi marriages, or if they dissolve when we get free will.


They might. I don't know.


A lot of people will be really horrified by that. It's still the right thing to do but if you had the finesse to not do it - you should probably anticipate that they'll experience it as you tampering with their soul.


I don't know what kind of finesse I'll have available; this isn't a Tesseract problem and I don't know how much the others will like me.


Understood. I won't blame you and can try to shield you from fallout if there's anyone here whose good opinion you'll care about after the war.


Some people. Although I've made surprisingly few married friends. Your father, I suppose, but that would be an awkward mediation.


Turgon will probably forgive you for tampering with his soul and dissolving his marriage if you also bring his wife back to life, which I think you're intending to do.


If at all possible!


If you had the finesse the thing I would most like would be for the process to be definitely intentional and probably require deliberate action at two points a year apart - makes it harder to coerce, and if you're going to be together forever your intention had better persist for a year.


Sounds reasonable enough. Probably harder than letting people opt out of free will, though.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Either way, unless you're sure there won't be Quendi marriages I don't want my father's approval conditional on us not having one.

I am not sure of that. I just told him that as far as I knew you were planning on paperwork.


If I am properly married to Findekáno then if anyone else ever forces me I die. Paperwork marriage won't do that.


- ah.


Can't exactly say that to my father.


I can see why you wouldn't.


I had a very hard time even saying it to Findekáno but it would have been very unfair to conceal one of my major reasons from him.


He said that I had leave to conceal things if they were going to hurt me, they weren't going to change his mind.

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