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Loki goes instantly where Huan tells her. She has a safety against landing intersected with solid objects, her or any of her belongings, so dramatic as it would be she can't just appear with her opponent already impaled. She has to actually stab him.

So she stabs him, spikes him from there. And hollows out Lævateinn and channels ice into the wound.
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The walls stop shaking. Sauron screams in her head, grabs Lævateinn and wrenches it away, raises his hand to send her flying backwards.


She's over there now and catches the weapon and now she's behind him. Stab. Fighting is so much simpler when you can turn over being where you need to be, posed how you need to be, to a spell; she could do this in her sleep and she can do it while he screams. The spear's still hollow. Ice, asshole, you haven't shattered nearly enough times.


Everything goes black. The music starts again, but instead of shaking the walls it is trying to stick to her, hold her down.


She can feel where he's stuck to the end of her blade and tags him with light. Pops to his other side, tries to clobber him to the ground with a polehammer.

He staggers and turns around and then the whole area around him is on fire.

Real, Huan says.

"Not fond of the cold?" Loki hisses, and she aims a hand at him and the fire both and sprays freezing crystals.


All the other effects stop, and he stops moving, face fixed with concentration, but the fire roars up even stronger.


She can do this all day. Both hands.


The fire loses a few inches of its radius while he adjusts to that. Then he does, and he's scorching the ground and scorching the air and burning hot enough to melt the ice and he starts projecting osanwë into her head again, not his own screams but Vár's.


Oh you asshole that's the last thing to get Loki to back off. She takes up her spear again and appears directly above him, feet on shoulders and spear at head and healing spell ticking off twice a second.


He moves aside impossibly fast, slashing at her as he goes. She might want to heal more often than that, the heat is overwhelming.


Yeah it's uncomfy. Her armor's going to be in a hell of a state. She heals faster. She teleports into his path and hits him with more ice.


He - flickers, that's the best word for it, when hit. He's trying to expand the radius that's on fire. He now has red-hot, glowing metal in his hand and lunges at her with it.


If he's going to use implements then she's going to catch them out of his hand with Lævateinn and go drop them in the ocean and then come back to make him flicker some more. You get to fight unarmed, ice sculpture. (Heal heal.)

Now he's trying to be four different voices in her head, all screaming, and the city shakes again and suddenly crumbles -


- and the fire has form and closes in on her. That's not an illusion she can tell because she can feel it.

Well then she's not there anymore, is she, she's over here now, get with the program, Thauron. Would it make it any harder for him to set things on fire if I dumped water on him or not so much.


Should, but probably only slightly.


Okay, not worth going and finding a rain barrel under her cargo allowance. Ice time. Lots of it.


He snarls at her, and sometimes he staggers and sometimes he flickers but there are now four voices competing for attention in her head and the sky goes suddenly blindingly bright.


Huan, if he keeps doing that my eyes can't keep adjusting, where is he -


A projection of the location. I can keep it running if it won't be more distraction than it's worth.

I think it's worth it. Especially with all the bouncing around I'm doing.

She pounces on Thauron. Ice and healing and ice and healing and ice and healing.

- and flickering and staggering but there's molten metal dripping out of the sky, now -


What, seriously? Huan?


It's not metal, but it's not entirely an illusion...

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