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...I'll be there.


He threatened my father with a sword in front of the court, but I don't think he's the kind to actually go through with it.


If he brandishes a sword at you I can just remove you from the situation - I assume this is preferable to disarming him? - without having to bet on that.


Yes, that'd probably be the best thing to do. I'd honestly be willing to take the chance, since you have healing and it's hard to kill someone instantly, but it'd be an incident and we do not need incidents.


We do not.


If I were Maedhros I'd - well, I'm not, and it's not worth trying.



If he asks his brothers to trade out for a visit and comes here it looks very bad. If I'm in Himring for some reason he can trade out and go home and he and his father can tolerate being in the same city for a few hours and he can come see me - everyone knows we were once close friends, that wouldn't be odd. So the thing I am tempted to do is tell my father I want to stay for a year and catch up on their engineering courses, but that I don't expect Fëanor to agree out of general broad-mindedness. And if my father agrees that this is a worthy aim and it's a shame we can't get Fëanor to be sensible, I can observe that he's invited me to dinner and it'd be easy to get myself arrested and then have the idea occur to Fëanor that one of his sons is stuck at Mithrim with the Silmaril and now there shall be an exchange.

And then I'm in Himring, can in fact take the engineering courses which we would in fact like to know about, and can see Maedhros when he comes home on breaks - and he'd be very delighted that I am however engineered the circumstances his prisoner - is that a thing galactics find problematic?

The problem with this is that when people who aren't Maedhros develop plans like this they don't work, so I am not going to try it.

...galactics find it a little problematic when the entire thing is predicated on somebody actually being arrested, but being entertained by the scenario is not unheard of, no.


He'd have less fun if we were pretending - the appeal, I think, is that the only restraint on his conduct is his honor. But in this at least he's utterly unimpeachable.


I'm starting to develop the sense that the two of you have felt really deprived of anyone to talk about your relationship with or something.


You have no idea.


Sigyn would be amused if he were my prisoner but possibly on a different level.


He shakes his head. I don't wish we were Asgardian but I wish we'd known it existed.


What would just knowing about us have done?


There'd have been - something to work off, beyond 'well this is inherently wrong so I suppose we'll just do whatever we want' or 'let's try to mitigate the damage we can be presumed to be doing one another' or - or what often comes up is 'I won't assent to doing something wrong, I will make you insist' which can be dangerous.


- oh dear, yes.


I don't think it's inherently more predatory than being normal, it's that having it widely agreed your conduct is already inexcusable doesn't do people any favors for doing right by one another.


Yeah, that sounds like it would - affect the incentives a lot.


Not just the incentives, the mindset. If you wanted to do right by someone you wouldn't be doing this, it's just sort of persistently there.


It's too bad we can't ask Eru the reason.


Well, maybe he'll show up when I start mucking around in the fabric of his universe and instead of killing me or something he'll choose that moment to do a dramatic reveal about all the shit he's pulled.


What if he has a good reason? Not for everything, Morgoth is obviously beyond excusing, but for minor things like this, what if he's right?


I can't think of a good reason, and as you point out Morgoth is evidence that he doesn't need good reasons to do things. The closest I could come would be something like 'you are fundamentally constructed in such a way that it is optimal for your soul health or something if you do thus and such' which merely prompts the question of why you'd design a species that way and then not make sure they were all actually heterosexual.

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