Blai in Oerth
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"That's weird. And kind of concerning? Most of the elven gods are Chaotic Good, here. The main one's domains are magic and art."


"Our god of magic's true neutral and our goddess of art is neutral good."


"So is ours for the magic and we don't have a major god of art. Or if we do they haven't told us about Them yet. Sometimes the species' deities have domains that overlap, though, like, they mean different things by the word - or, I mean, you're a cleric, you know how that goes."


"I've actually interacted almost entirely with humans throughout my life, particularly in - peer relationships."


"No, I meant the thing where, uh, we have words for the domains but the domains aren't exactly those words? And if you don't mean the same thing by the word as the god does, you can't be Their cleric. So it sounds like Boccob and Corellon Larethian have the same domain, but They don't, because They mean different things by the word."


"- I think ours may be a little more flexible on that though perhaps I misunderstand you."


"I mean you can learn what They mean by it, that's how theology classes work for getting people to be clerics. But if the part of community that you like is having people that you care about and people you don't have to care about, and the part of community that the Shining One likes is people working together in ways that bring out the best in each other, it's pretty obvious that that's not going to work. Right?"


"That's not actually obvious to me, no."


"Because not caring about people outside your group isn't being the best person you can be? I guess I might not be explaining it right. You can come to a theology class if you want, they do a few of them a week."


"It does sound interesting presuming I'm available at the right time."


"The public classes are at different times from the ones for the orphanage kids but they can tell you at the information desk around front what the schedule is."


Nod. "Does this church see a lot of clerical selections in the orphans?"


"Not, like, a lot a lot, but way more of us go that way than normal kids, yeah. I'm probably going to be a potter or something, though, I'm trying to get an apprenticeship."


"I wish you luck."




Do they need any help with the portable-hole-loading or would he just be in the way?


Depends on whether he thinks Raafi might be comfortable having him in there or not; the bucket brigade style hauling of rainbarrels to the edge of the hole is clearly working much faster than the team getting the barrels lowered in, and the holdup isn't the group outside the hole.


He's not going to presume his way into a man's portable hole when he doesn't have a comfortably enormous distance from the euphemism.


He's going to have a bit of a wait for everything to get stowed, then.

One of the cart boys wants to know if Blai knows if he'll be needed for anything else.


"I couldn't tell you for sure, I'm sorry."


He'll go ask the other guy, then, and shortly the wagons are clearing out.


It's always such a thing to have an unclear period of time. Prestidigitating chess pieces only takes a few minutes but it does take those few minutes. He cloud-watches.


It's not that much more than a few minutes before Raafi and his helpers have the barrels all stowed, and Raafi thanks the workers and has them line up to be paid.

"Are you about ready for lunch?" he asks Blai, when he's done with that. "It is a little early for it, I guess, but we can beat the crowd."


"Lunch it is."


"Sounds good. What kinds of things do you like? And then we can -" he stops short. "Actually I just realized we never rented the auditorium. That first, then lunch, and we should probably check that we haven't been keeping people waiting, too. Will you be okay here for... probably half an hour or forty minutes, while I go take care of that? Liss can call someone to take you to the front hall or find something for you to do."

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