Blai in Oerth
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"I am from another planet and am wondering what the state of laundry services are on this one; it's relevant to whether I want light colors or not."


The shopkeeper blinks in surprise before answering. "We do have laundry services fore hire; I'd expect any inn to offer one. The nicer ones have it done magically and get your clothes back to you the same day but some of them keep them longer and do it by hand; I wouldn't recommend that for whites or pastels."


"I'm considering white because it's one of my goddess's colors but wasn't sure how scarce Prestidigitation would be without anyone being able to catch cantrips; thank you." White shirt sunny vest and boring sturdy cheap pants.


"I wouldn't expect that to be a problem for a cleric at all," he nods. "We have a changing room in the back if you'd like to try those on."


"Yes, thank you." He goes; he changes.


The pants could stand to be hemmed but everything fits him well enough otherwise, and the orange-red looks nice against that shade of brown.


He comes out again for the hemming situation to be assessed, then changes back so that can get done. Browses socks and linens.


The linens are mostly fairly boring but they have a contract with someone who knits interestingly patterned socks, alongside the plainer ones.


Plain inexpensive socks are fine. White ones.


Yup, they have those.

The shopkeeper says he'll be able to get the pants hemmed by early afternoon, maybe by lunchtime if it doesn't get busy; that plus the tagged prices for everything come to just under two and a half gold, and there's a ten percent whole-outfit discount if he doesn't want to haggle.


He isn't even practiced at haggling on his own planet; he'll take the discount and then step out of the shop to look around a little, not straying too far.


Bootblack Street isn't a main thoroughfare, though it does get some amount of cart traffic, mostly clothing and shoes being delivered to the various shops or kitchenware destined for the next block over. A little more than half the foot traffic is human, with the rest being a mix of other species; it's more common to see people walking with their conspecifics than in mixed groups, but not by a huge margin. The lack of obvious slaves is getting to be noticeable.

There's a bench a little way down the block if he wants to get more comfortable (or just out of the way of the flow of traffic), and a cart in the other direction selling spiced fruit hand pies that smell delicious.


Raafi will be here to find him any minute and it's not clear if the budget was intended to extend to lunch; he'll wait on the bench.


It's about ten minutes' wait for Raafi, who doesn't seem to have found a bag but does have a new walking stick. He stops briefly to look at the snack cart but continues on to find Blai without buying anything.

"Hey there. How'd your shopping go?"


"The new pants want hemming, but it should be done today. Your change -" He presents it.


"Keep it, you should have some walking around money. I didn't have any luck with the bag but I did find a second wind staff, that'll come in handy soon - it cures fatigue once a day and you can set it to follow you like a riding broom for an hour a day, to take passengers."


"I'm not familiar with either artifact but it does sound useful." Coins go back in his pocket.


"A riding broom is a bit like a one-person magic carpet, if you have those, without any cargo space; you ride it more or less like a horse but it flies. Have you had a fruit pie, did you want one?"


"I did notice them but had been expecting you to want your change."


"Ah, sorry about that. Anyway, I want one too," and he heads that way.

They have apple, blueberry, and gooseberry; Raafi orders the gooseberry and tells the vendor he's paying for Blai as well.


"Apple please."


It tastes just as good as it smells, the crust wonderfully flaky and the apples baked soft in the spiced glaze with just enough bite. Raafi steps out of the way of the line to try his, but doesn't walk away from the cart.

"Are you familiar with the temple over by the baths, the one with the wooden roof? I bet they'd love to hire you for events, these are amazing."

    "I've been," the vendor grins back. "They helped me with the recipe."

"I should have guessed," Raafi chuckles. "You up for handing out a few to the needy at the end of the day, if I pay for them?"


"Here you go, then," and he turns over a handful of silver.


"It's very tasty, thank you."


    "I'm glad you like it!"

"Okay, so, the market or the library or back to the temple while I visit Katrianne - I guess we should visit the library before I drop you off at the temple so you have something to read while you wait, but do you have a preference between that and the market, first?"


"What are we shopping for?"

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