Blai in Oerth
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"Just overnight the once. It's an interesting experience and I'm sure the two planets have a lot to learn from one another but I'm not going to be able to go home for six months and will be late for an obligation."


"I hope that doesn't mess anything up too badly for you," he sympathizes. 


"...the initial summons was somewhat vague about how obligatory my appearance was but I would presume some leeway for unavoidable teleportation to another planet."


"A summons, that sounds neat. - I don't mean to be a gnome about it, you can tell me to mind my own business if you want."


"I don't mind, it passes the time. I was supposed to attend the constitutional convention my country is going to have; they set aside some seats for clerics from various churches they want to encourage."


"What's a constitu.... whatever you said?"


"You know, I'm not nearly as sure of that as I'd like to be, I'd planned to find out when I got there. I think the idea is something like, as monarchs generally have advisors, the Queen would like some advisors, but doesn't have enough who know the country, being as she grew up in a neighboring one and then spent her time having an adventuring career, so we are meant to be her advisors, but not on a permanent basis; rather we are supposed to write down our advice in advance somehow and then go on with our lives. But I'm basing this on the absolutely most tenuous of rumor."


"Huh. Thats a neat idea but it sounds... hard? Like, if I was going to be an advisor to a queen I'd want to learn how, first."


"So would I, but even if there's a step of the process where they do that I'm apparently going to miss it."


"Yeah. I guess what you want to hope for is that they figure out you're missing in enough time to send somebody else instead."


"There might not be anyone else for my seat; my goddess is having a busy year and they're not accepting foreigners."


"Huh, I guess that makes sense. It's a little weird to think of a cleric as being foreign or not foreign instead of just a cleric of whoever, but if you're advising a queen on ruling and not on what you're a cleric of it'd matter more."


"Iomedae has her own theocracy - several gods do on Golarion - and I don't think in practice it would be very geopolitically awkward to ask a few of their clerics there in for advice, but it might have an awkward appearance, which is probably also very important for a new Queen."


"Probably, yeah." He knew some of those words.


Shrug. "There isn't anything I can do about it from here; I don't think I'm important enough to warrant the Queen or her adventuring party's personal attention. Though I do mean to at some point Send to a cleric of our god of trade; His church will be very interested indeed."


"You have a god of trade? I bet He will be, yeah. And I'm sure Raafi's already told you how excited the Dweller is going to be about it."


"It's come up once or twice."


Raafi comes in with the second wagon at this point, carrying a dozen rain barrels. He surveys the scene, gives Blai an appreciative nod, and approaches the dwarf to ask if she (apparently) can pick the three or four most trustworthy workers to help him make space in the portable hole while the rest of them get the barrels ready.

    "He's so nice about everything, isn't he? Not all Travelers are, but he is."


"Our travel god is Chaotic Good, but I don't have enough background experience with Her followers to compare straight across."


"That's pretty neat. I guess because She doesn't have traders in Her domain? It's neat how your gods divided that all up differently."


"It is, yes, I'm hoping to find a more complete list of the major Oerth ones at the library later."


"There's a lot of them, yeah. We've been covering the elven gods in theology class this week and there's like eight just of them."


" know, I'm not even sure if elves on Golarion have their own pantheon, they don't mix with humans enough that I'd be aware. I have heard they are fond of Calistria for some reason."


"What's Her domain?"


"Lust and revenge. Chaotic neutral, though she resides in Elysium."

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