Blai in Oerth
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"Food for the refugees, mostly. I'll rent a cart and get help to load it into the portable hole back at the temple."


"I'd be inclined to put that first then."


"All right," and he heads off.

The first order of business is renting the cart; he haggles lightly but the cart boy who joins their group doesn't seem dissatisfied with his wage for the morning. With that done, he stops in to two different bakeries to ask for as much bread as they can sell him without annoying their other customers. Next he wades into the sea of market stalls: he wants grains for porridge and root vegetables for stew and roughly half a cow's worth of meat - some of the refugees can't eat anything else and it's horrible for morale if it's present but rationed too tightly, he explains. He stops a few times to ask the patrolling guards if they've seen anyone selling dwarven food, but unless he actually meant dwarven ale, he's out of luck. When he's satisfied with the food, he heads to the next street over to restock his supply of bandages and medicinal herbs, then finally pauses. "I was going to look for more canvas next, but I don't think it's worth it if we're just leaving tomorrow, it's one more thing we'll have to haul to town so Geneia doesn't have to deal with it. Is there anything that would make your job easier? I know you ended up filling a bunch of random things with water yesterday but I'm not immediately coming up with a better way to do that."


"Perhaps there's a rain barrel we could acquire? - a thing that we did for supply logistics at the Worldwound, at those forts too remote to be supplied overland, was load up an ox wearing a muleback cord with all the other food it could carry, and teleport it into place. It would count as one creature with all the cargo, and could be slaughtered for meat at the destination. I don't know if that's useful now since you have your portable hole, but for future reference."


"Untrained animals tend to panic when they're teleported, in my experience, and I'm not sure we have the tools to slaughter something. It's not a bad idea to consider in general, though. We can get a few rain barrels, probably." He gives the cart an assessing look and heads back to the cart stand to hire another. When they get there, he asks if Blai feels comfortable taking the first cart back to the temple - he confirms that the cart boy knows where it is and offers to draw a map in addition - and asking the Pelorians to get everything arranged into rain-barrel-sized parcels so it'll be quick to pack up when he gets there with them.


Blai can escort the cart and its associated boy to the temple, sure.


Raafi draws him a map and heads back into the market, and he can make his way back to the temple. Both the map and the cart boy direct him to a side entrance, where there's a dusty courtyard with more carts parked inside and a bored-looking teenage girl on a stool who perks up a little when they come in. "Is that a donation?"


"It's for the refugees specifically, courtesy of Raafi."


"The... refugees? Does Liss know about it, do you know?"


"Presuming there is only one Liss I think she's aware."


"I'll go get her, then." She goes in, and is replaced a few minutes later by the half-dragon.

"Select Blai, hello again! Do you know what Traveler Raafi wants us to do with all this, or are we just keeping it safe until he gets here?"


"He's going to want help loading it into the portable hole when he gets back."


"We can do that. Do you have an idea of how long he's going to be?"


"He's getting rain barrels - for me to create water into - and I don't know how long that will take, but it sounded like he wanted these things packaged to stuff inside them for transport."


"Ah! That makes more sense. I'll get a team down here, it won't be long." She swaps with the teenager again, and ten minutes later a team of teenagers and young adults supervised by a dwarf just starting to go grey in the beard come out to start arranging everything into bags. 


Once there are bags he can help with that.


They appreciate the help, or at least don't object to it at all. He'll overhear a couple of them wondering why there's so much meat in the load, that's unusual and inefficient.


"Some of the refugees are apparently carnivorous? Also there was a - morale concern - with having some meat but not enough to go around."


"Oh, that makes sense. They do that at the orphanage, too, usually they'll just put meat donations in a stew or something so everybody gets a little, but that doesn't work if not everybody can eat the stew."


"What races on Oerth are obligate carnivores?"


"Catfolk, that I know of, we had a catfolk kitten in the orphanage for a couple weeks once while they found him a foster family. And I think lizardfolk maybe? They've got the pointy teeth like that."


"If we have those on Golarion I suppose they never crossed paths with me."


"Neither one is very common here, I've only ever seen a couple of each. Where's Golarion?"


"It's the planet where I'm from, I got here accidentally."


"Oh, wow. I guess that's why you're hanging out with Traveler Raafi. How long have you been here, do you like it?"

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