Blai in Har
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"Ravan, no clan name but one of my men is a Sanini."


"...what is a Sanini?"


"It’s his clan name. Renbar Sanini."


"Do I need to know how clans work?"


"Hmmmm. Do you already know that sometimes people get attached to their relatives?"




"Then I don’t think it’s necessary to get into it before we figure out if you should be applying to be my coworker and making sure you don’t, uh, I don’t know, mistake a thwilit for an animal or assume none of the ocean is private property."


"I would probably have assumed that about the ocean but I don't generally wish to enter the ocean." Does the law book contain a list of which species are people?



"Stuff that’s close to shore might belong to someone."


"What does a thwilit look like? How many species are considered subject to this empire?"


"All of them. Uh, an individual adult thwilit bird is about this big and has two wings and feathers and a beak and can talk. There are humans - I think you're human - and caralendri - I'm a caralendar - beluli, who walk on four legs but have hands, agerah, who look like one of them could eat an entire belul because one of them could eat an entire belul, ereli, who are this long and change color, essi, who are longer than this room and don't have any limbs, aaaaand who am I forgetting - anemones! They live in the ocean and have tentacles. All of them are slaves."


"I'm a human. I meant, as opposed to being animals, though I suppose it's also useful to know that there aren't dragons or anything operating outside of the law."


"I have never heard of those. Speaking of things I've never heard of, you were saying something about, uh, 'afterlife planes' yesterday?"


"Yes. Ensouled creatures on the Material Plane travel to them - as souls, leaving their remains behind - upon death. Which one depends on the alignment of the deceased."


"Uh." She checks if there's a candidate thing he has that could be a soul and if she has it too. Or at least if she can perceive any such thing.


He has a soul but her perception of it is her business.


"Well, that must be nice for you."


"- it really depends on one's alignment, whether it's nice."


"The Evil afterlives are not pleasant. They might or might not be better than not existing, although in a couple of them that's also on the table."


"Huh. I don't think we have afterlives. but we don't really bring dead people back unless they were statues or just had a heart attack near someone who can help."


"Petrified people don't release their souls to an afterlife on Golarion either."


"I guess that makes sense. Hm. Yesterday, when I asked you about your healing, you listed conditions you could treat, but... how do you treat them?"


"By casting spells. Uh, many of them are touch range."


"Uh. So, to give you a sense of what I'm asking... a medical death mage treats lots of illnesses by killing the things that cause the illnesses, which prevents them from spreading to new people or getting worse. A medical structure mage treats illnesses that involve not having the right things in your body, like diabetes, by creating those things, and they can close wounds but it’s slower than having a medical defense mage do it."

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