Blai in Har
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"Hmmm. ...Are you transported to the city of Westcrown in Cheliax after dawn new spells?" She figures the answer is no, because he implied that, but she's hoping if she asks outright he'll say a bunch of incidentally related things.


"No, teleportation is not a cleric spell at all except for certain specialists of certain deities. Not Iomedae. I was traveling on foot and don't have a way to improve on that on Golarion, let alone from wherever this is - plane shift is fifth circle."


"Mmm. I don't cleric spells because no gods. I can give food. I can give a safe place to sleep. What do I want?"


"...the obvious guess is that you might want money. I don't have a lot of it on me. The Chelish currency system is in need of overhaul and I can create food and water by magic so I did not anticipate needing much of it on my trip. But I have some silver, if you trade in silver here."


She looks like this is a completely baffling thing to say.



"Is there some topic I should talk more about to give you the words for the disconnect here, or should it wait until I can prepare new spells at dawn?"



"Read more?"


"Of course."

Iomedae was born to landed gentry in what is now Cheliax but was then part of the empire of Taldor. Apparently she spent a chunk of her childhood speaking exclusively in scriptural quotations from Aroden's holy books. She was chosen young, as girl paladins usually are, so that it would be clear to her family that she should be trained in swordsmanship rather than set up for a marriage.




"- Paladins are particularly skilled at fighting Evil creatures like demons or, most of Iomedae's own career, the undead. Since we have limited spell slots - paladins even moreso than similarly powerful clerics - it is convenient to be able to fight with weapons as well."


"...I don't have limited spell slots. I don't know anyone of my plane has limited spell slots."


"Yes, I think that is at least of some of what I was observing when I noted that magic seems abundant here."


"I thought... you have different spells... maybe I want your spells and you want my money... but now I think no. Because I can comprehend languages and I have food and water. And because it is convenient to be able to fight with weapons."


"- oh, were you asking how I would support myself with spellcasting? Clerics mostly do healing."


That perks her up. "Healing which?"


"Healing injuries is easiest and can be done several times a day without preparation. I can also cure blindness and deafness, and stand a good chance against most disease. And lift curses but I don't know if anything around here will tend to count as a curse in the relevant sense."


"I want healing - not now. I... hmm... you comprehend languages after dawn," she says with a sort of dismissive gesture.


"Yes, I'm planning to prepare Comprehend Languages and also Share Language. Share Language will let me give a language I speak to another creature for a day."



She’ll listen to him read for a while longer and eventually show him the restroom and point to the time when she’ll be back in the morning.


"Thank you. Where on this dial is dawn?"


Slightly vague gesture fairly close to the horizon line, before she’s planning to come back.


"Praying for spells will take me an hour. I don't mind if you come in before that but it will not be very interesting to witness and I won't be talkative at that time."


Nod. "After that."


Nod nod.


Nothing in particular will happen overnight. The magical silence completely prevents him from hearing anyone snore.

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