Blai in Har
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He makes himself dinner; it doesn't seem like it will be popular here so he doesn't make enough for fifteen people, as he'd been planning to do in pay for his lodging on the road, just his own dinner and a breakfast for the morning.

He goes to bed when it's about nine hours before dawn in case it takes him a while to fall asleep, but it doesn't especially.

In the morning when the sun comes up he prays for spells.


Some time thereafter the person from yesterday returns.


"Good morning. Comprehend Languages. That will last a bit less than an hour, but I prepared several."


The clock has checkin and checkout labeled. The room key crystal has the room number on it.

"Finally," she says. "I can still understand you fine, of course. Also I've brought a book you can borrow if you'll step out into the hallway and agree not to damage it." The book is called What Is The Law?: A Guide for Soon-To-Be Free People.


He'll step into the hall and say, "I will not damage the book and if it becomes damaged accidentally in my possession I can Mend it. - what purpose does stepping into the hall serve?"


"So it can be scryed later. I wouldn't take you to a public place and claim it was safe to sleep in!"


"...would something attack me if I fell asleep in the hall?"


She boggles at him. "Probably not???"


"I usually consider a place safe to sleep if I could sleep in it without being attacked."


"...I am glad I brought you this whole book for children instead of just stopping by city hall for the imperial laws because you clearly have some unusual expectations." And unless he objects she'll hand him the book and also go sit on the bed.


That seems fine to him. He will also go sit and look at the book.


The book explains that it's about Anavel Sani and it's organized by use case, with sections including What If I Don't Want To Follow Any Laws?, What Laws Apply To (Almost) Everyone?, What Laws Apply To Builders And Architects?, What Laws Apply To Doctors And Medical Mages?, and so on.

"So, I'm interested in your healing. I work in law enforcement - is that a familiar concept?"


"Yes, though I'm guessing you may not work for anything as recognizable as an inquisition or a monarch."


"I work for the state of Anavel Sani - other people work for the whole empire or the city of Anavel Sani, or other states or cities. We don't have a monarch, it's true, and I'm not sure what an inquisition is."


"An inquisition is a church's enforcement arm. The details depend on the church but they do things like root out cults or heresies or infiltrators." He had probably better not skip "What If I Don't Want To Follow Any Laws?" even though he absolutely wants to follow lots of laws, just in case that's where it explains something crucially strange.


"Well, I've never heard of a church or a heresy. I mostly investigate complaints that people are advertising dishonestly."

If he doesn't want to follow any laws he can go hide out on a private island which no one else can access! Or a bubble of air on the moon which no one can access but this is not recommended. Actually none of this is recommended because it will involve not interacting with the rest of the empire.


Wow, he was kind of expecting the answer to be "that's illegal, you can't do that" but apparently self-exile is just an acceptable option, okay. Supposing he does want to follow laws though. What then. "A heretic is sort of like a dishonest advertiser for the tenets of a religion."


She does such a confused headtilt that it almost turns into an owl impression.

Since the book is organized by use case it doesn't just lead with all the imperial laws at once. It puts most of them in the section of laws everyone needs to know about, though, along with some details of the truth-in-advertising laws of Anavel Sani and not much else. (The laws are marked as "imperial" or "state" but also the imperial laws appear twice each, once apparently in an unofficial translation provided only for convenience and not for doing legal exegesis about.)


He should probably be taking notes for once the Comprehend Languages wears off. He gets out some paper to do that.


She doesn't impede this process.


"These look mostly very simple but also very broad. I think as written, these laws would prevent me from healing people who were too injured to make an agreement about that in advance. I am unsure if they would hold me liable if I fell down and landed on someone. It also seems incumbent on everyone to reliably distinguish public and private areas, which I'm not sure of your customs around."


"Should've gotten you a book of precedents, maybe. If you heal someone too injured to consent and they become capable of speech you could, in theory, be charged with a crime if they took you to court and insisted they'd rather not have been healed. Falling down by accident is not usually a crime. Private areas... hmmm... most non-fenced outdoor spaces are public, most market squares are public, rooms where people sleep are not public, most buildings are not public but parts of government buildings are and parts are not... how do you distinguish public and private areas where you're from?"


"Those heuristics about what places are public or private apply on Golarion too but it is not unlawful to walk onto someone's property to knock on their door and ask to speak to them, they can just generally decline and send you away if you aren't there in an official capacity."


"Maybe if it seems like you're likely to be useful to me I can walk around with you and point out public and private areas and what I'd do if I wanted to go into a private one and how I figure it out."


It's a good thing that Blai does not have a particularly strong automatic instinct to say 'thank you' because that's actually not a particularly generous offer when you think about it. "Understood. - What is your name? I'm Select Blai Artigas."

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