Blai in Har
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"...There are some things that Remove Disease doesn't work on, though I didn't specialize in this and don't know very much about how to recognize those conditions, and don't know if it corresponds to the differences you just mentioned, which I was not familiar with. Someone who has been debilitated by a disease may still need a few days to recover from the damage of the infection but will stop getting worse. I cannot tell reliably if the spell succeeded or not at the time I cast it. I'd say it works more than half the time on diseases I'm familiar with. My injury-curing options all take the form of conjuring energy from Creation's Forge, a plane of positive energy, exposure to which heals living creatures and damages undead ones. The effect is something like being instantaneously many weeks farther along on a natural healing process, except the instantaneousness means there is no risk of infection provided the healing is swift enough and it doesn't depend nearly as much on the natural robustness of the subject. I can't restore completely separated body parts, that's seventh circle, but Remove Blindness and Deafness will repair a present but nonfunctional eye or ear."


"I think I was right that you could do some kind of emergency response, anyway, maybe not necessarily for the police."


"It's normally most efficient for healing-focused clerics to have a specially designed room to pack as many people within thirty feet as possible so that a single energy channeling will cover all of them."


"So kind of like a hospital."


" would not normally have the facilities for many of the patients to stay long term."


Nod. "Anything else in there not make sense?" she asks, gesturing at the book.


"So far it mostly makes sense, I think, unless I have a deeper misunderstanding. Which isn't too unlikely." What laws apply to the area in which he now finds himself?


All of the ones in the book, but half of them aren't going to be very relevant to his life, since he doesn't own slaves and isn't going to sell lots of fish or build houses. He is supposed to advertise honestly and not interfere with hurricane tamers unless certain conditions are met and there are some taxes he'll probably end up owing and if he wants he can accept government money to treat people with certain infectious diseases for free which would mean taking on some extra obligations.

It appears that there are absolutely no limits on the amount of force that's acceptable to use in self-defense and nothing actually mentions any obligation to cooperate with any government activities beyond the state laws about hurricane tamers. And if he hates those he doesn't actually have to live in this state.


What are the extra obligations if he takes the disease control job? "How will I identify a hurricane tamer?"


Then he will have to treat people with certain diseases for free and call for backup if necessary.

"Truth be told, there are good ways to tell, but the way people mostly do tell is that there aren't many other reasons for fancy people to fly toward hurricanes."


"'Fancy' people?"


"Might have insignias that let you know they're friends of some clan or other or maybe belong to some clan or other, but you probably can't make those out from very far away. Probably rich. Not the kind of people who would, I don't know, go on a fishing trip in horrible weather because otherwise they'd starve to death or something. Probably too disciplined to be going out to enjoy the hurricane."


"Are a lot of people in danger of starving to death? I didn't see many beggars."


"Uh. Not really but I don't think that's why I've never heard of a beggar. Are those... a thing?"


"In cities of my acquaintance, yes."


"That's weird. Is that related to that thing with the nine ways you can be?"


"I... don't think so? I suppose people might be more likely to give to beggars if they are trying to be Good but I don't think that is what causes beggars in the first place, they can't work or can't find work and are hungry."


"It... sounds like you're implying they just ask people for favors then? I don't think I understand."



"If your laws imply that in some way it is illegal to ask people for favors I have badly misunderstood them."


"No, that's totally legal, just... I mean... does that... work?"


"Not well, or people who could work would do it."


"Ah, so, more of a... last thing to try before you sell yourself into slavery or something, just in case you meet someone who thinks it's fun to keep you alive?"


"I... would not put it that way, and in most countries I am aware of selling oneself into slavery is at least very legally awkward if not impossible."


"Some countries do not practice slavery at all, and those that do often have species-specific rules such that for instance all halflings are enslaved but humans cannot be. Also I'm not sure why someone who couldn't work would be able to command any meaningful price as a slave, which would also prevent them from going into indenture."

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