"...There are some things that Remove Disease doesn't work on, though I didn't specialize in this and don't know very much about how to recognize those conditions, and don't know if it corresponds to the differences you just mentioned, which I was not familiar with. Someone who has been debilitated by a disease may still need a few days to recover from the damage of the infection but will stop getting worse. I cannot tell reliably if the spell succeeded or not at the time I cast it. I'd say it works more than half the time on diseases I'm familiar with. My injury-curing options all take the form of conjuring energy from Creation's Forge, a plane of positive energy, exposure to which heals living creatures and damages undead ones. The effect is something like being instantaneously many weeks farther along on a natural healing process, except the instantaneousness means there is no risk of infection provided the healing is swift enough and it doesn't depend nearly as much on the natural robustness of the subject. I can't restore completely separated body parts, that's seventh circle, but Remove Blindness and Deafness will repair a present but nonfunctional eye or ear."