Blai in Har
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Now the adult also stops. The adult says something annoyed.


...hands up in a harmless gesture?


They'll move on, the adult saying something to the child.


He left the emergency scroll of Sending in the fort. No one is likely to notice that he's missing until the convention begins, if that, and they might just assume he was delayed by weather or - as is in fact the case - monsters. What time of day does the sun suggest?


Afternoon, if he can figure out whether the sun is rising or setting. (Or even if he can't figure it out.)


So what he needs to do is find a place he can in tolerable safety sit and wait for dawn. He can sit up that long, he's done worse. Are there places or things the local creatures seem to find suitable for sitting?


There's the restaurant which it might be rude to sit in without patronizing.

On another street there's a quadruped simply sitting on the ground.

Several streets away there's a beach where some people seem to be relaxing, and a tree that someone is sitting in.


A beach is fine. The chainmail's enchanted enough not to get scratched up by the sand.

He sits on the beach.


The waves lap at the shore. Some kids play a variant of tag. Some snakes sunbathe. Some non-snakes also sunbathe. Someone watches a square with an illusion on it, laughing occasionally. Someone wanders through selling popsicles. Someone catches a fish.

Someone (an adult this time, or maybe an adolescent) eventually asks him about his mace in Ilan while touching a color-changing magic coin on a necklace.


"I don't have Comprehend Languages today. I speak Chelish, Infernal, and Common Taldane."


Annoyed eyeroll. The person leaves.

Eventually a humanoid woman walks right up to Blai and says, in very careful mimicry of Blai's intonation and accent, "I speak Comprehend Languages today. I don't have Chelish, Infernal, and Common Taldane."



"If you mean to say that you have Comprehend Languages up, I will understand that to be the case if you nod."


"I apologize for my intrusion into this plane or whatever it might be. I was ambushed in my travels by a monster which transported me here somehow. I'm afraid I was not able to identify the monster. My present intention is to sit here until dawn and then pray for new spells which can include Comprehend Languages, Share Language, and Tongues to accommodate this situation, but I did not anticipate traveling through areas where no form of Taldane is spoken this morning."


Curious headtilt.


When the other person has Comprehend Languages up and you don't you have to talk a lot but usually they give you something more than that to go on. "I was on my way from the Worldwound to the city of Westcrown in Cheliax having been invited in my capacity as a cleric of Iomedae to participate in the Constitutional Convention. I was dropped off by teleport in Taggun Hold and was traveling overland for the remainder of the journey."


She is at once confused and vindicated about this. She pulls her mouth to one side and thinks for a second.

She mimes slumping down and closing her eyes and then gives him a questioning look.


"I expect to be able to stay awake until dawn if necessary and was planning to do so given that I could not ask anyone to stand watch, but if a safe place to sleep is available I would benefit from it and will not fail to wake at dawn to pray for my spells. It was early afternoon in Cheliax when I encountered the monster but my spellcasting does not rely on sleep."


Pause. Careful, slow, awkward mimicry: "If a safe place to sleep is available."


"If you mean to offer to show me to a safe place to sleep I will understand you to do so if you point in its direction now."


She makes a gesture toward the city. It's more of a sweeping sort of gesture, as though it's the movement rather than any specific posture that she expects will communicate her point, and she doesn't separate a single finger out from the rest, but she gestures with confidence, as though she expects it will work and is the thing he asked for.


Close enough. He gets to his feet, ready to follow.


She smiles. She starts walking, not in any particular hurry and in any case distracted thinking or listening or something, until she can attempt to say "Then pray for new spells which?"


"- I'm not sure what that question means but I understand you probably can't clarify. I can ask for any spell a cleric of my circle, third, can cast, as long as it isn't Evil or Chaotic because Iomedae is Lawful Good. Possibly unless I had a very good reason; I'm not sure if She can make exceptions for unusual cases or if it's just impossible. I have a limited number of slots per day. I can ask Her to pick some of them for me but it is difficult to interpret divine choices and She Herself did not often do it when She was mortal as written in the Acts of Iomedae, Her holy text, so generally I choose them all myself to account for what I am likely to spend the day doing. Right now I am prepared for travel, but travel through my home country, so I expected the possibility of monster attack but did not specifically expect to need any language-related magic. My orisons today which I can demonstrate an unlimited number of times are Create Water, Guidance, Light, and Spark. Tomorrow I will probably discard Spark and possibly Light to get Detect Magic and maybe Mending, respectively to understand more about what's going on with the local abundant magic and to be useful to those among whom I find myself respectively."


She nods sharply. "Iomedae?"

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