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What does it mean for another universe to exist? The word universe is supposed to encompass everything that exists. That's what the "uni" means.


The way I use the word universe generally refers to places where time and/or space are contiguous, if that makes sense. It is in principle possible to reach anywhere in a universe from anywhere else in the same universe. Other universes can't be accessed from each other in quite the same way. There are a number of different ways for separate universes to relate to each other, and a number of ways to travel between them, but in the majority of cases you can't get from one to another by moving left or right or up or down or forward or backward. Different universes will also often work in different ways, like having magic or afterlives or infinitely divisible particles.

I think some people who use "universe" to refer to everything that exists talk about these as "dimensions"? The more general term "world" might also suffice. 


So, what, the immutable laws of physics are just one way a world can be? And not even those, because you can apparently just show up in a world and violate them?


Basically! I'm a bit of a special case, although not entirely unique. There are a lot of worlds that usually look just like they run on immutable laws of physics, except they're just flexible enough to allow for magical visitors sometimes. There are also worlds with less flexible physics than that. I can't show up in those worlds and the Spirit can't send people to them.


Sounds sad. The secular humanist lifestyle is cool but I prefer the chance to travel.


I hope you get to see as many worlds as you like. ✨


How does a notebook manage emoji?


I'm doing something very similar to writing but it isn't quite the same thing. It gives me a lot of freedom to express myself orthographically.


Are the flourishes and the hearts and the glitter part of the super special magical girl bit or is that a personal choice?


Both! Or more specifically, the Spirit's tastes and my tastes are in some sense the same taste, because I'm an agent of the Spirit and came into being for the purpose of meeting people who want similar things to what the Spirit wants for them, and the super special magical girl bit kind of embodies that.


Similar things but not the same things, huh?


It's very rare for two different people to want exactly the same things!


And what the Spirit wants is... incredibly girly magic powers for everybody. (Give or take 8 billion people per world.)

She flips back to the front of the list and starts reading.


I have some more questions.


Is this still Ariel? Go ahead!


Yeah it's Ariel

You can make up worlds on the spot and they'll exist?

Is all of this a story? Does reality run on narrative and drama? Are we real?

Does the Spirit just no-sell the laws of physics whenever it wants?

Can it make you arbitrarily good at things?

Is my brother sibling ascending to godhood?

Does the flow of time matter at all?

Is there usually a veil preventing magic from being noticed?

Is there usually only one notebook girl in the full accessible portion of the multiverse?


I'm getting a little confused about pronouns, but I'll answer what I think you mean and you tell me if I get it wrong.

When deciding where to go, my Chosen has the option to go to a world they invented on the spot. This doesn't generally involve creating that world for the purpose of going there; reality is big enough that it's possible to match most combinations of details to a world that already exists somewhere out there.

The Spirit sees the world in terms of narrative and drama, and the powers it offers and the experiences its Chosen have follow narrative and metanarrative patterns, but this isn't quite the same thing as this being what reality is made of. I don't know whether we're in a story right now. We're real people either way.

When it comes down to a competition between the Spirit and any local universe's laws, the Spirit is typically stronger.

The Spirit can make its Chosen arbitrarily good at things, yes. It only does so if that fits with the powers its Chosen has picked out.

Whether your sibling ascends to godhood specifically is dependent on their personal choices. In many ways they will be more powerful than a god.

The flow of time matters for your ability to coherently perceive things and have thoughts in the manner you are accustomed to, and it matters because without it many good stories couldn't happen.

There is only a weak veil keeping people in your world from noticing that magic exists, because before my arrival there was no magic to be found here.

Unless Zachary takes There's Another One, they will be the only "notebook girl" they'll ever meet.


Can I see which powers Zachary is planning on taking?


The numbers next to each entry are Zachary's ranking of various powers. I have not gotten explicit permission to explain the ranking system to you.


That's fine.

Wow, there are some questionable decisions being made here.

Can you tell him to take Four Star Daydream and Battle Maiden and Soulbound and Anything You Can Do and Ascended Friend and Eternal Love and Chaser Six When and Divine Mantle and There's Another One?


I can! I can also leave our conversation where he can see it. Actually, I'm not sure I feel comfortable doing otherwise, given I'm technically specifically intended for his eyes.



I just think it's stupid to have the chance to be the most powerful being in reality and not take it.


Many people would agree!


Ariel announces that she's done with her homework and gets up before anyone can check. She wanders over to Zachary's room. (Technically the older boys share it and even more technically she isn't allowed in there, but there is enough of an understanding that Zachary and Ariel are actual biological siblings that she can get away with it so long as the door's open.)


"Give it back."

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