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Oh, it's for space travel. Neat.

A 3 for Breathe Easy, then. The indulgent tier.

My Ears Are Burning has some useful applications, but it also sounds like it would be horrible.

Is there a way to get the good parts of My Ears Are Burning without all the unpleasant parts? I want to know what people are thinking when I talk to them.


You might prefer the Friends In Places options, or perhaps Backchannel. Those are better abilities for reading body language and picking up on social cues. If those also don't meet your needs I can try coming up with something custom.


Let's see, what are those?

Oh, Backchannel is just what he was thinking. It gets a 1.


If you don't mind me asking, what do the numbers correspond to?


0 = essential (central example: Pocket Dimension)

1 = favorites (Angelic Tones)

2 = compelling (A Hundred Ships)

3 = self-indulgent (Emerald Orbs)

4 = nice to have (Like Roses)

I might add a 5 if there's anything I want enough to mark but less than I want Like Roses.


Oh, I see! So you like Angelic Tones and Backchannel similar amounts?


That's right.

Well Endowed... Oh, right, he's going to be a girl. He thinks.

Will the Spirit turn me into a girl?


That depends on you! The Spirit wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't open to femininity in some way, but there are many ways that can manifest. If you want to become a girl, basically any power that affects your body type can turn you into one, though.


Does Well Endowed affect different parts of my body depending on whether it, separately, makes me a girl?


Hmm. I don't have a lot of experience with boys, but I think Well Endowed will increase the size of any features you already have or would like to have, with a focus on, ahem, primary and secondary sexual characteristics.


But the size increase itself doesn't go based on preference...

Oh, huh. It turns out none of this matters, because Hollow Leg is right there. He had Well Endowed as a 3 but he crosses that out and puts a 1 next to it and Hollow Leg.

...And a 2 for Lightfoot and a 3 for Inner Strength.


What's next?

Why are all of these for getting into fights.

Why are there three battle-related powers? Should I be expecting to get into fights?


Some parts of the multiverse can get violent, especially those that are shaped more like stories. Some people like the idea of getting dropped into a grand epic and quickly coming out on top. Others want to be heroes who can defeat the forces of evil. Many people don't particularly want to fight but would like to win dramatically every time it comes up.

Conversely, many parts of the multiverse are calm enough that you can go your entire life without coming close to physical combat, and even in places where it seems inevitable, it's often possible to avoid a fight through quick thinking, diplomacy, or if applicable metanarrative protection.


Okay, what's necessary here. Battle Angel seems essential... Battle Demon and Battle Maiden are less important than that. She needs protection in fights more than she needs to win them. 0, 1, 1.

Gloryseeker is a little bit silly, but fun. A 3?

And then he reaches Pacifist and realizes that's where the 0 goes and goes back to rank the Battle powers 1, 2, 3.

Does Pacifist replace fights with less dangerous or life-threatening equivalents? Is Battle Angel less necessary to avoid injuries in that case?


That sounds right to me. Some contests can still carry serious injury risk, I will note, like racing high-speed cars or clearing out a booby-trapped dungeon.


Normal things that can kill you can still kill you. Got it.


You shouldn't worry too much about your life permanently ending—there are both afterlives and resurrection methods out there, after all—but a little bit of caution still goes a long way. Just try to find a nice balance between protecting yourself and getting to enjoy your life.


Reasonable enough.

Let's see, what's next.

Making Ends Meet gets an immediate 0. Oh my god. Oh my god. She just gets free money???

What he wants to do is put a 0 next to that and Motherlode and Four Star Daydream and Five Star Daydream, two of which aren't even compatible, but he does his best to restrain himself.

I can get free money???


You can get free money! Through perfectly legitimate means and with no ill effects on the economy, in case you're the sort to fret about that.


Does "a comfortable lifestyle" cover things like food and housing and transportation? Electricity? Furniture? Appliances? Utility bills?


All of that and more. You can afford all of your essentials plus entertainment, moderate shopping sprees, and weekend trips, with plenty of money left over.


So Motherlode isn't really necessary for anything I can imagine wanting.


If you want to spend an entire year on a cruise ship or buy yourself a small country Motherlode would probably better fit the bill. You might think of it as Making Ends Meet letting you live a worry-free middle-class lifestyle without doing any work and Motherlode making you a billionaire.


And Four-Star Daydream breaks the scale entirely?

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