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SithDusk's story continues
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(Nine quietly alerts Kalbetis' staff, of course, letting them know that he doesn't think the boy is up to anything concerning.)


L5-C3, watching the cameras from where the alert came in, concurs with Nine's assessment.


That doesn't mean that there's nothing that she does, though - one of the night duty shift people is going to run into him, soon.


Rafiik isn't sneaking around, but he's not looking for company, either; he'll give them an acknowledging nod as he approaches and, unless they stop him, continue on his way.


"You want to go somewhere specific, or you just walking to walk?  's not the mothership or anything but we've got some green space.  And a window."


"Just walking to walk; which way?"


"You'll want to follow the - mm, but you wouldn't - here, howsabout I walk with you?  Figure our illustrious overlady can't complain either way about that."

He'll lead on through the green space first, and if that seems like it isn't really working, the 'skylight' is over thataway where it won't be potentially interrupting anything structurally significant.


The green space is much more the thing; after two days cooped up he's not in the mood for sitting, no matter how nice the view is.


Quite understandable.  The crewmember is much more inclined to sit down.

"...Credit for your thoughts?  Probably not quite that much as you can talk about, or that you'd want to on the other hand, with our illustrious overlady so involved, but.  Seems like something's keeping you awake, and I don't think I've escaped working here long enough to know how important a listening ear is.  And good sleep, too."


"It's not much to do with her? Or, not directly I guess. It's - I don't know - do you like it here?"


"...I doubt I'd still be here if I didn't like the work.  Or, no - if I didn't think it was worth doing.  Even though the day to day of it is about as bad as any soldier's duties.  ...The lady's always going on about there being other options, that we don't have to be here risking whatever for her - and nobody has the heart to tell her we all already know.  I don't have a big story about that sort of thing m'self, it's just...  the little things that've built up ever since I first signed on here - but...  I know there's a few Skywalkers hanging about, and goodness knows the lady hates Hutts as much as anything.  She'll dress it all up in calling them hypocrites, since slavery is," and here he does a surprisingly passable imitation of Darth Kalbetis' voice, "'direly inefficient, economically speaking', but - mm.  It slips out round the edges if you actually get to see her any behind the masks, especially if'n you go get her running on the subject of what she thinks being a Sith ought to mean.  An' I'm just a barracks philosopher, but I'm pretty sure she's put enough thought in to that to start a religion if she wanted.  Shame she doesn't, really.  I'd join."


"...huh. I didn't know she was doing all that. I'm - I guess that makes some sense of her offer, in a way? I wasn't a slave but I was... stuck. And she said I could stay if I wanted to, and I might, but it's a big decision, you know?"


"Yeah.  It is.  And you wanna know if it's gonna be worth it, I bet.

"...Not sure as I can answer that, but I bet the lady could.  Might even have statistics."


"I'm not sure that'd help? I'm not - like - none of my other options are good either, I'm not trying to figure out if it's good enough here to beat them. It's just - she's a Sith - and everything I've heard has been bad, about Sith. And they lie, so her saying she's different... I don't know, it looks true, but..."


"Mmm.  I don't think I can help you with that one.  I'd say ask her ladyship, but that's the problem, innit?  That you can't, not and believe what she says?  But without some external force telling you, you might just have to take it on faith if you're ever going to take it."

Poor kid.


He is really behind on his meditation, isn't he. "Yeah. This did help, though, thanks."


"Glad I could help."


He doesn't want to go back yet - and there's a reason he's barely meditated since Master Chenk died - so he spends a little longer wandering between the plants, until he feels settled enough to face the prospect of them, and then goes to sit by the skylight. Being in space has never been a part of travel he likes, particularly - it's fine, it's just not that interesting - but it feels apt, right now, facing down the void.

He closes his eyes and lets the memories surface, considering them as they come. He'd always thought of Master Chenk as stern, frustrating, but he knows now that the older Jedi's concern was well justified. 

"The known path is the safest," his master's voice echoes. Rafiik considers it, and sees the kernel of truth it holds. His curiosity did lead him into danger. He can't quite find it in himself to regret it, though, as much as he's definitely not going to nose around strange Siths' business alone any time soon.

He does regret how he left things - he should have retrieved Master Chenk's body, and seen to it that he got a proper pyre, at least. He's not sure if he could have sent a report and still gotten away from the Jedi, but... He could have checked. He should have. He'll do better next time, if there's a next time. That doesn't make it better for Master Chenk, but it's an ache he can live with.

He thinks again about the last time he saw his master, insisting that he stay behind for his final mission, claiming that it was too dangerous. Rafiik hadn't believed him, at the time. "Personal wants must yield to greater needs," he'd said, and Rafiik had bristled at one more example of the principle being used to keep him from something he wanted to do. He sees the wisdom, now, and respects his master the more for it - it can't have been easy, walking into that situation alone. He wishes he could tell him how he feels about it now.

He misses the man. He hadn't thought he would. Their relationship was never easy, and he's more sure than ever that the path he was trying to guide him down was the wrong one for him. But there was a kindness, there, in its own way, and his frustration dissolves in the face of it.

He feels much more centered, now, and listens through the clarity to see what the Force has to say to him.


He's not nearly surprised as he could be to find that it likes these strange Sith he's found himself with.


Rafiik joins them late for the next day's healing.  Kalbetis doesn't push on the matter, even though her own future selves seem to be emoting a bit of trepidation at his possible future actions after the Jedi have arrived.  It wouldn't help.


...Speaking of, though - she does need to know his decision, on that matter from earlier - so they can prepare.


Well, he was originally thinking that if they wanted to leave without coming over to help he'd want to go with them, but he's actually changed his mind on that, sort of? He'd like the option to call for help, if they think they can get him back without too much collateral damage. And he's probably going to want to stay but he wants to see how things go with the Jedi being here, too. If they need him to pick now he'll pick staying, though.


...That can definitely be planned around - and, yes, they can definitely get him a panic button.

(Oh no what has she done.  She may have offered, she could do no less, but he wasn't supposed to seriously want to stay here afterwards...  Damn it, Force, what did you do?)


(lol, get befriended u dork)


He appreciates it.


The Force is laughing.  Well, that sure is a sign.


She will just be in Mechanical for a bit this evening, making that panic button.  (Sure, she could equip him with a simple off-the-shelf radio or hypercomm button, but...)

(The Force should be with him.  So she's making this herself.)


Pradnakt shows up toward the end of the project, accompanied by Daisy and looking a bit wrung out, and wordlessly cuddles up next to her and begins handing her parts.

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