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SithDusk's story continues
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"...Ghk.  Well.  You have me there, don't you."


"Mmhmm. Your people are here on purpose. Respecting that is part of respecting them."


"Curses.  I have been resoundingly defeated.  That means it's your problem now by the rules of Sithery that neither of us want anything to do with."  (To be extremely clear, she is joking about this.)

"...Idle fantasies about a galaxy in which I could legitimately retire aside, we probably don't quite have time enough to sit here all day, as much as I wish we did.  There's still Jedi to plan for."


"If you're feeling ready for that," she makes no move to desnuggle. "We were making pretty good time last night, I think we can spare a few more minutes."


"...They can hardly hurt, I suppose."  Blast, ...'''foiled'''... again.




"Is there anything else like this that I might want to know about?"


"...I don't think I would know to be able to tell you, if there was, but...

"I don't expect that?"


"All right. I'll keep an eye on it, anyway."


And eventually: "So what should I know about the Jedi?"



"Perhaps that would be better handled from my office; I can pull up the holos and suchlike from there."


Whether or not they do adjourn there, she does have thoughts.  Once she has her mask back on from wherever it ended up.

"...I don't know everything about every Jedi.  I want to make that clear up front.  But, knowing that we were going to be in this sector and knowing who was likely to be responding, I was able to get more information on these Jedi than I think they'd want me to know, with a bit of legwork.  ...Perhaps more than some of them know about themselves - it's hard to get a good look at the person in the mirror, after all."

"With that settled - let's get to the briefing.  There's four Knights responding to Rafiik's distress signal, and two Masters, one with a Padawan that will likely be left with the Knight we're not supposed to be aware is close enough to try something.  There's three ships in play on their parts, as well - we handily outmass them, but goodness knows that starfighters are meant to punch outside their weight class if they can help it."

"What do you know about the types of Jedi?"


(Once Kalbetis has her mask back on, Pradnakt judges that she'll be able to get to her office without arousing any particular suspicion, and agrees that it's a better option. She asks Daisy to bring them a fresh pot of tea, as well.)

"Very little; I wasn't expecting to ever meet Jedi."


She nods.  "Leaving aside the Jedi Order's - support staff, as was, because their social structure renders them able to have noncombat specialists - there are, mm, flavors of Jedi Knight.  The Knight Consular is trained not just in combat but diplomacy - they often do diplomatic close protection, or arbitration between Republic systems.  The Knight Sentinel is trained for a long-term post not-otherwise-specified - working system security, for example, or in research and development.  Most of the Jedi Order's combat-trained Healers are Sentinels, too.  The Knight Guardian...  Well.  They double down on fighting.  And then, hidden beneath these classifications, you find the Jedi Shadows - specialists in intelligence, espionage, and us.  Well.  In Sith.  I'm not sure a specialist in people like ourselves yet exists."



"And we're expecting the latter?"


"'Expecting the latter' is rather the wrong way of thinking about it - Jedi Shadows pass as other types of Jedi.  There was one Shadow close enough to come running, and for better or for worse they're a Shadow-trained Knight Consular."


"So we're in for an interesting time one way or another, got it." Daisy arrives with the tea and Pradnakt signs for her to stay and watch.


"Quite," she concurs.

"With everyone here, then - Daisy, if you need a briefing on the various types of Jedi talk to Elcie, it's probably more comprehensive that way -

She brings up the first profile with a flourish at the holo-emitter.


"Knight Van'ess Chion," seen in this holo doing a backflip in the middle of a fight for infuriatingly tactically sound reasons, "Jedi Guardian, pilot, fights using a scattershot of forms four, five, and six - six done properly, that is.  She's brought her starfighter."  There's a capture of that, as well.  "Notably, rather - aggressive, active, a tendency to press things; if the Jedi still taught form seven these days she would have taken to it perhaps too well.  Well, by their standards."


"Master Nesbitt Karmin," she cues the next set of holocaptures, "a Jedi Consular - old, perhaps, to be running around in the middle of a warzone, and likely never the first to act because of that, but judging by the last time someone tried to assassinate one of his charges, still quite capable.  Ultimately responsible for their having a ship big enough for six Jedi to fit, I believe; it's an Explorer Corps - Jedi hyperspace survey - vehicle, refit as a consular ship."


"Khorus Jayn, another Guardian."  Seen here dramatically discarding his outer robes.  "Unfortunately, he has a fondness for... action romance, and action 'romance', novels and a life charmed enough that the Council has reprimanded him for trying to live like he's in one more than once.  ...What's worse, is it keeps working.  I expect I'll have to threaten a stabbing, of something... ...important, to him, to get my point across."


"I may prefer to do my own stabbing, of that one."


"Too late, I have dibs.  And a plan.  It will be...  Cathartic.  ...You may of course stab him if he continues to misbehave afterwards."


"...Regardless, there are still three more of them."


"Fair enough, go ahead."


"Mm, next.  Kardesi Khotar, a Sentinel who does a lot of engineering work," to the point of building themself cybernetic augments, it seems - "they might actually respect our silicate sapiences, but the more orthodox Jedi don't quite respect them, thinking that all that hardware 'diminishes their connection to the Force'.  It hasn't seemed to, in the field, and since the Force is part of everything it rightly shouldn't, really - but I've hardly got good data on this."


"I've seen it; I've done custom lightsabers for people who were having trouble with it. I hadn't put much thought into it but I'm not surprised that it isn't as simple as it seemed."


"I would not be surprised if your belief determined your reality, on this particular question.  Doubt your connection to the Force, and it doubts you in return."

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