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SithDusk's story continues
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"It would likely be helpful."

What has resulted from this is a very philosophical treatise, of sorts, evolved and refined from the original proposal of "no, the Light does not require you to stuff your self in a box over your feelings."


"I expect she'll find it useful in the long run, but not immediately." Really the best way to present this will be to have Nine walk her through it over the course of several conversations; if they ask her to read it herself she'll most likely get too defensive to consider it at all. "I agree that the situation isn't ideal but I don't think she's causing herself any harm; is there any information about that that you think Mistress Kalbetis would like to have?"


"....She has come to a similar conclusion about this state in short duty cycles but she does not trust it around arbitrary Jedi, Rafiik notwithstanding.  ...There's some time, at least.  But she considers the perceived nonvolitionality of it a potential security issue."


Dasiy nods. "Lord Pradnakt has noticed that concern as well but is satisfied that my presence makes the situation safe enough, in general; we have confirmation that she defers to me when impaired and we've discussed her preferences and safety concerns extensively. Can you tell me more about your mistress's concerns with the Jedi?"


"...To put it perhaps too simply, she is concerned that they likely do not know how to listen to you."


"...I would expect that to go... poorly, yes." She's never seen her Sith snap back to Dark, but they're pretty sure it can happen, and that's the sort of thing that could do it. Messily.


"...We do not yet have a plan to satisfactorily prevent such occurrences that does not seem perhaps overly proprietory of Darth Kalbetis in regards to your Sith.  And my Mistress yet sleeps, so to consult the Force is beyond us."


Daisy nods. "We have plans for some similar situations but nothing that I expect would be sufficient for this one. I can discuss it with Lord Pradnakt in the morning and ask her to contact the Darth."


"...Yes, that may be wise."

"Is there anything else to discuss, while we are speaking?"


"Lord Pradnakt was concerned that the Darth might have gotten a mistaken impression of how close Rafiik felt to her; she didn't seem to think the Darth needed to be confronted about it but it seems like the sort of thing you might want to be aware of."


She nods.  "Indeed it does.  She can get rather...  Territorial."


"Unsurprisingly. If we can be of any help I expect Lord Pradnakt will be willing, but she wasn't under the impression that it was likely to turn into a practical problem, except possibly with the Jedi."



"Mm.  If my Mistress becomes convinced they will put him back into the same situation that caused him to flee, perhaps."


"In which case my Sith has every intention of backing her," Daisy nods, "and sorting out any remaining problems later."


She nods.  "It's good that we're on the same page, there."


"...Perhaps it might be worth speaking to Rafiik about his wishes, preemptively.  Just in case."


"Lord Pradnakt believes that it will be best to ask him shortly before the Jedi arrive, to give him the most chance to orient himself to the situation here. There may be other advantages to doing it at another time, though."


"Of course it is better for him to have more information for his decision, generally.  But perhaps raising the subject now so that he knows to think on the question."


"I agree. Perhaps one of us will have an opportunity to talk to him tomorrow."


Hm.  No, 'perhaps' is not quite sufficient.  "I'll see to it," and while psychosomatic reactions are beyond her, it is perhaps not just imagination that would imply a sudden solidity and pointedness to her bearing as she follows through.  She produces some flimsiplast and a stylus, and sets to writing.

Rafiik Vidarra,

It is perhaps an overstep of the boundaries traditionally set upon droids of my base construction to speak in my own voice, on my own recognizance - but this message will perhaps be best received from my metaphorical vocabulator, so I shall speak nonetheless.  My lady would approve, this I know.

As you recover from your injuries, and as the Jedi you have summoned approach to nominally recover you, it will behoove you to be considering what you wish to do when they get here.  To return with them, to return to your itinerancy, to do something else entirely - all these choices are yours, and you should prepare to make them.

With warm wishes for your swift and sure recovery,


Personal Secretary and Administrative Assistant of Darth Kalbetis


Assuming, of course, that Daisy does not immediately object to this action, this note will, promptly and without further dramatics, find its way to the small table clipped to his hospital bed.


Daisy has no such objection. She passes Elcie's report off to Nine, and speaks to Pradnakt about the issue of the Jedi over breakfast, and gets on the comm with Elcie to ask if Kalbetis is available to meet with her this morning before she meditates.


A moment passes.  "Yes, she is.  When is best?"


"We have no reason to wait."


"Then neither shall we."

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