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SithDusk's story continues
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Darth Kalbetis' own senses agree, and so she gently disentangles the Force-trance.

"...Lord Pradnakt, I really hesitate to raise the issue, but I can't help but notice that you seem - rather not yourself, after doing whatever it is you did to get into a Healing-compatible headspace.  So...  are you alright?"  She said she'd twist the Force's arm if she needed to and she meant every word of that claim.  Something seems dissonant, and that's wrong.


Pradnakt looks to Daisy, who's been hovering in the background since she returned to the medbay, to answer that.

    "I don't know if you'd consider her all right, ma'am, but this is expected, and she'll be back to normal after a recovery period."


"...just because it is expected, doesn't mean it should be tolerable.  But that's not...something we can fix right now, because we're still doing what's effectively triageBlast it."  The sound of future selves frustratedly declaring that a 'Kreia' was right about the kriffing Force is starting to pick up once again.


"Yes ma'am. And the recovery period lasts a few hours and she strongly prefers privacy during it."


"Quite.  I'll make sure nobody disturbs her during."


"Thank you, ma'am."


"It is quite literally the least I could do, after subjecting her to... whatever this is.  ...Do you know, where, how, if she learned whatever she did?"


"I haven't asked, but I know she hasn't had any opportunity to learn anything healing-related from anyone else, and that presumably includes this."

    "It was intuitive or from a dream, I don't remember which at this point."


"...Blast.  I thought you might say that and it is not getting the tragic chorus of my future selves to shut up about Kreia whatsoever."




"...Mm.  Kreia is an anti-Force radical, and I do not like her positions.  To find that many possible selves are coming to her conclusions speaks poorly of their possible futures."


"Lord Pradnakt doesn't object to the current state of things, ma'am, or she wouldn't be doing it."


"It's still not good. ...uh. Jedi get like this every once in a while, usually they end up at the mindhealers for it. I know some stuff about first aid for it if you think that might help?"


"I wouldn't mind hearing about them, though we don't, right now, quite have the time."


"I don't know much, but I'm ready for the next person, sure." And they can get back to work.


Right now, their priority, now that the principle is proven and practiced, is taking care of the various tortured instincts that will probably get someone maimed or poisoned if not handled appropriately.  It's a slightly different way of going about it - broad, rather than deep.  They can circle back for the rest of the issues when they've more raw Forceoomph available, or as needed, but Kalbetis wants to handle the critical things as first priority, rather than one patient at a time.  (She ends up taking point as expert, on quite a few, because they're more about the data encoded in the neurons than anything to do with the neurons themselves.)


In between, Rafiik explains that the first aid he's been taught is to make sure the person has someone with them, ideally someone they trust, and give them an opportunity to talk if they want to; Daisy confirms that that's roughly the procedure they follow during Pradnakt's recovery phase.


They work into the night, with Daisy serving food and drinks as they need them; as it gets late Pradnakt offers to heal the physical effects of fatigue for Kalbetis and Rafiik. And eventually they get to the point where all the most urgent things are taken care of and they can turn in for the night.


(L5-C3 helped with the snacks.)


L5-C3 also helped calm down her Mistress, who was fretting over Lord Pradnakt's state all night instead of doing the sensible thing and meditating and-or sleeping.  Sometimes Darth Kalbetis is very silly.


(Not that she then didn't spend the same last night working with her Mistress's most up-to-date and complete holocron on the same thing because she doesn't need to sleep and is also concerned for Lord Pradnakt's well-being transitively - but Darth Kalbetis most certainly needs sleep still, having not yet transcended the limits of the flesh.  Perhaps she'll learn, but sleep is tied up with the strangest things.)


As morning approaches, L5-C3 wheels down the halls of the Cloak towards the Nightfall Spectrum, expecting that the estimated recovery time has been met and [Lord Pradnakt/Daisy] is now available.  Perhaps even Daisy alone, who could, likely, help with delivery.


...Oh, right, Lord Pradnakt is also a squishy biological creature that sleeps.  Well, it's definitely probably Daisy she'll be speaking to this early in the morning, then.


It's Nine who answers the door, but Daisy is available promptly. "Can I help you?"


"Perhaps.  My Mistress spent her remaining uptime today on fretting about the state of Lord Pradnakt's Force usage and thusly time was allocated to research on the matter.  The results are here, but consultation with secondary and primary sources is still advisable."


"Thank you. Would you like to stay while I read through them so I can give you a preliminary estimate of how my Sith will respond?"

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