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SithDusk's story continues
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Pradnakt nods along. "On my end - Daisy's line was designed for close work with Sith; she's had some work done by your staff but even without that she can take a 'saber strike better than you'd think, her designers took some care to keep her vitals out of the way of one. If it comes up we'll have bigger problems - the most likely case is her putting herself between me and one of the Jedi - but if she does, she knows what she's doing. She and Nine have a private comm upgrade; the security on it isn't amazing but it might still be useful. My lightning shroud is pretty niche, tactically, in a fight, but against Sith it's a useful threat display and I'd expect to have some amount of success with that here. It's a useful display to allies in some cases, too, since I can't hold it while I'm enraged, so if I'm maintaining it you can assume that I'm not desperate or fighting to kill. - And Nine is from a line with shoulder cannons, in case you didn't recognize his specific model."


She nods.  "We should see if some of my spare protective equipment will fit you.  A little bit of cortosis can go a surprisingly long way in making anyone with a 'saber regret trying something.  I'm not sure why people always try to make armor of the stuff when what works just as well is a simple mesh layer that also doesn't mess with your mobility nearly as much.  And Elcie...  If I tried to lay out the various concealed systems she has beneath her protocol-droid exterior I think we'd be here fifteen minutes, but she definitely also has weaponry aplenty."


"Huh, that's surprising. Daisy's always refused to pick up any offensive options."


"I couldn't possibly speculate on the divergence, but I think I blame the Mandalorians.  She's operating on a protocol droid base, and sometimes I swear they treat combat like a second language."


"The protocol base might explain it all by itself; Daisy's always said fighting is unbecoming of a servant."


"Mmm, I certainly would think that might be relevant."


"Mmhmm. Anyway, it looks like things are starting to stir in the medbay, if I go meditate now everyone should be ready by the time I am."


She nods.  "If Rafiik's awake, I'll speak with him while you do that.  After you?"  She gestures to the door.


She goes in for a quick hug and then goes about her business, leaving Daisy to pack up the tea and follow Kalbetis to the medbay.


She might take a minute to recover from the surprise while securing the office.  ...Yes, she got some warning of unexpected positive feelings, but that doesn't mean that how they came about was so crystal-clear as to allow her to process them in advance - she's allowed to be surprised, for goodness sakes!

Regardless - Rafiik awaits.


Rafiik has just woken up when she gets there, and is looking miserable as he waits for the hypospray he's just received to kick in. "G'morning. - uh, my Lord." Is that right? Is he going to be hurt for getting it wrong? Why is he hanging out with Sith, again?


"...Please, do not stand on ceremony when you're presently rather stuck lying down, Padawan Vidarra.  I'm not your lord anyway, nor would I wish to inflict the mess that would come with that position upon anyone."  She waves a hand, dismissively.  "Simply referring to me as Darth Kalbetis will more than suffice.  Though, speaking of people who are by Sith title styled as Lords, Lord Pradnakt is going to be meditating for a bit and then joining us, if you're still willing to assist with the healing.  I just have a few things that I want to discuss with you, beforehand."


"Yeah, I want to help. Um. Give me a minute? Hard to focus when I'm in pain."


"...Yes, of course.  ...I am not Lord Pradnakt, but I could likely help with that, if you wish."


"Of course."  There is a feeling almost entirely unlike the sensation of a Mind Trick as the pain...

Does not go away, but nonetheless ceases to have salience.  It's there, but it's not holding his attention like it used to.


It's pretty weird but he's not complaining. "Thank you."


"The least I could do, really, especially since I want your full attention and pain rather distracts from paying attention to anything but itself."


She sits down, before she continues.  Putting herself on his level.


"There's some Jedi that will be coming to get you, soon.  Two days from now they'll reach here.

"We can, with even their most begrudging cooperation, heal everybody aboard this ship, much faster than Lord Pradnakt and I working alone could accomplish.

"But it's, well, rather deservedly kriffing hard for anyone with a Sith title to get that cooperation, and I was hoping you might be willing to help with demonstrating we're acting in good faith, a little bit."


"...yeah. What do you want me to do?"


"Just...  Go out and talk to them before they have to meet us.  ...How are you at piloting?"


"I wouldn't want to try to fly a ship by myself."


"TM-64 can go with him, ma'am."


She nods.

"I'm sure any astromech aboard would be glad to help; that kind of misses the point, though, of putting the agency of flight in Rafiik's hands.  Ah well.  If it can't happen, it can't happen, and I can hardly change that in the time we have.

"Regardless - we'll get you healed, and then - Daisy, what do you think about familiarizing him with the Nightfall Spectrum a bit before he needs to travel aboard?  We're rather stretched thin on beds."


"...If you want to do this, that is," she directs to Rafiik.  He did ask what she wanted him to do, but considering that it could have been...a variety of horrible things that she wanted, better to double-check now.

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