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SithDusk's story continues
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All is quiet, meanwhile, aboard the Ashen Sunrise.  But that does not mean all is well.

The hyperspace vector left for them by the Falleen Force-Sensitive - who W5-H4 doesn't recognize - points directly into Sith space.  And certainly that's already what Rafiik - who isn't dead, thank goodness - had warned them of, but the motivation of whoever told them this is uncertain.

They could well be a Sith, and that a possible-Sith is being, well, helpful-looking -

It has them all on edge.


"...I'm telling you, Ries, it has to be some sort of trap," Knight Chion says, for the dozenth time.  "There's nothing else a Sith would want to do.  Especially with a vulnerable Padawan - they aren't -- nice!"


"...And yet the Force is calm," says the being least likely to be believed capable of in-depth observation of the Force, of the entire passenger complement.  "It has been calm for days, when we know some of us felt Padawan Vidarra's terror in the Force even before knowing specifically why we were feeling it, Knight Chion."


"...I still think the most likely option is that he's dead.  Terror, then relief, then nothing?  I somehow doubt that some random Sith launched a rescue mission before we could catch up."


"Nesbitt Karmin we have been over this a dozen times, he is not dead, I'd know."


"...I've seen weirder.  Like the one time on Toleucana III."


"...Yes, we know you've met a Force Ghost, Knight Jayn.  We've all heard far too much about certain novels 'inspired by the adventures of real Jedi', lately.  You know ego is unbecoming.  That does not change that Knight Bani's Force senses are quite specialized in picking out this sort of thing, and if she says Padawan Vidarra is still alive and in the flesh, I'll take her word for it."


"Ego is unbecoming, yes, but it is not ego that is responsible for the novels.  My name's kept out of it."


"So it's public relations?  Ha!  Not like that it shouldn't be, didn't your Master ever tell you that business and pleasure aren't to be mixed?"


All Knight Jayn can do is shrug.  "The Force rather seems to delight in getting me in situations where the best way out is flirting.  If it's on a mission I don't do more than that."


"Gentlemen, please.  I know I am no perfect vision of harmony myself, but we really mustn't let ourselves do unto eachother what the Sith would just as readily do unto us.  Our unity is our strength, where strength alone will never suffice."


"...Well said.  Knight Chion, would --"


" -- Hsst!  We're being hailed."


Indeed they are! Tim identifies the apparently-unarmed passenger transport vehicle as the Nightfall Spectrum, personal ship of Sith Lord Pradnakt but currently hosting Padawan Rafiik Vidarra and Darth Kalbetis' administrative assistant L5-C3. Would they like to speak with one or both of them?


"We would appreciate an opportunity to confirm the wellbeing of Padawan Vidarra, if you please."


...Well that is interesting.  And possibly why it was so important he be here, if what this might imply means what he thinks it might.


Van'ess Chion is just glaring in the general direction of the holotransmitter so hard that it's a wonder she doesn't spontaneously develop Force Eye Lasers, even as she bows to her training and lets the diplomat try talking first.


...Nesbitt is busy getting her very best silent 'I told you so'.


...This is not a situation that calls for his skills, he'll just be...  Over there.


"Yes sir!" the astromech chirps, and the scene cuts to Rafiik, in the lounge, with a wheeled protocol droid in the background but a wide enough shot to offer some evidence that he's otherwise alone. He seems fine, somewhat intimidated by the situation but otherwise calm and collected and uninjured.

"Hello, sir. I'm fine, and I'm sorry to worry you. The situation I called for backup on has... changed... but we do need your help, if you're willing."


"...Yes, the situation does appear to be quite a way, if you feel as though what must be apologized for, first and foremost, is worrying us about this situation.  We would, I'm sure, all prefer to be worried, than see you dead or worse due to outrunning your backup."

The protocol droid? is...  Wheeling offscreen in response to the sound of a kitchen timer (and not looming ominously).  What is happening here.


"Yes sir; I should have waited for you. I won't rush ahead like that again."


"...Don't say words you may not mean to mean, simply to get them out of the way, please.  We were concerned for your wellbeing, and it's a relief to see you relatively well.  ...You have something to update us on?"


"Yes sir. It's... kind of a long story... but the short version is that I was captured by Sith Lord Tuscias, an alchemist, and then rescued with the rest of his victims by Darth Kalbetis and Sith Lord Pradnakt, who are... extremely strange. Lord Pradnakt is a healing prodigy - she can meditate to temporarily change to a Light alignment for it - and they've been healing Tuscias' victims but they don't believe they'll be able to heal them all themselves before the alchemical corruption starts causing problems, so they're requesting assistance with that. I've seen video of Kalbetis killing Tuscias and I've been helping with the healing myself; I'm not discounting the possibility that it's still a trap but I don't see how it could be."

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