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SithDusk's story continues
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Mechanical probably isn't the comfiest place for cuddling, but she can make this work.

She just as wordlessly nods a thankful acknowledgement of Pradnakt's presence, and - starts assembling another one from scratch once she's finished with the first, pulling out, of all things, a timing crystal as the core of it before her alchemy does its work.  This one's for Daisy.

Because the ability to call a Darth for help if some Jedi is being rude is not to be underestimated.


Much appreciated. That kind of thing is part of what the private comm to Nine is for, it's much less common that Pradnakt is separated from both of them than one, but she's certainly not going to object to an extra layer of security with a heftier payload.

You okay with the kid? she asks after a bit.


...Yes - no - it's complicated - can't have an apprentice.  Especially not if it's him.  The eyes on me would expect things I cannot do, and - cannot protect him from, if I do not.  People I cannot yet survive the aftermath of vigorous self-defense against have some opinions on what Darths' apprentices should be made into, especially if they're possibly a turned Jedi.  I don't mind him, though, divorced from that context.

...I just...  think he'd be a better Jedi, be better off as a Jedi, even with the wanderlust - or perhaps because of the wanderlust.  And I don't want him to throw that away because I'm kind.  If he doesn't qualify for a field promotion after all this nonsense I'll be vastly surprised, and at that point a lot of his problems with the Order are vastly diminished.  Or he could transfer into their surveyor corps, if that appeals...

Just...  He has options and why he'd tie himself to me, of all his choices, is...  Baffling.  Even if he doesn't intend to stay in the long run.  What could I possibly do, possibly be, to make it worth the price he'd pay?


"Mm," He's scared, right now. Not surprising, really, Tuscias got him pretty good. I don't think he's looking for a master, I think he's looking for a safe place to hide, with less of a cost than the Jedi would have.


...Ah.  That...  That, I'm probably better at than the Jedi Order ever could be, despite the worse circumstances I'm in to start out with.


Either of you would know that better than I would. Just - he likes us, but that's not what he was feeling when he was talking about staying.

It'll be... interesting... to see what he makes of us, and what happens if he brings that back to the other Jedi. Especially - I'm... I wouldn't say I'm a traditionalist by any means but I'm much more of a traditional Sith than you are, in some ways. Which I might be reevaluating over the next few months and years, but he'll probably still catch some of it.


...It will be rather interesting, at that.  And with slightly more certainty that he's not going to ask for more than I can give - well, that does seem to have helped with my future selves' worries.


...We both need our rest, with that settled and my work here done - would you take this to Rafiik, since you're going that way?


Of course. And a hug for Kalbetis. Maybe a slightly clingy one.


...Yeah.  A hug seems...  Good.


And so evening passes, and so morning follows.

Today is the day that the Jedi arrive.


Rafiik's nervous, picking at his breakfast as Pradnakt eats hers and Daisy does a final check of the ship. She considers offering some words of wisdom, but there really isn't much of anything she can say, so she eats in silence.


L5-C3 shows up to the Nightfall Spectrum before they start doing those final checks.  "...It is likely better for the Jedi to encounter a freethinking droid in a position of any authority before they must process my Mistress's own unique traits, or, Force forfend, think they may attempt to make trouble for Daisy.  Therefore it seems advisable that this one travels with you, Rafiik, to provide said introduction - if you are amenable to such?"


He had known that there was something weird with the droids but he hadn't quite caught on that it was this weird. He does recover fairly well but it's still obvious that he's a little thrown off by the request. "Uh, sure?" He glances at Pradnakt to see what she makes of this.


"Good idea, yeah. Tim'll be here too but he wants the cockpit locked for the trip, I hope that won't be a problem?"


"...It seems eminently reasonable to me."


"I thought so too. My cabin and Daisy and Nine's," she nods indicatively, "will be locked up too, but both spares are open if you want to set up in the second one."

(It's not information that Elsie needs, really. But Rafiik will benefit from hearing Pradnakt treat her and the other droids as people.)


She nods.  "Understood.  I do not usually sleep, outside of systems maintenance.  It is rather inefficient.  The thought is nonetheless appreciated."


"These two just like it for the privacy, yeah. It's good to have a bit of space. Anyway, do either of you need anything else before we clear out?"


"Also, if I put some cookies in, can one of you take them out when the timer goes off?"


L5-C3 nods in acknowledgement to Lord Pradnakt.

To Daisy, she replies: "Certainly.  Is there somewhere the cookies should go, afterwards?  Are they for guests?"


"They are; I'll leave the tray by the stove and they can go on the main table in the lounge. Rafiik, you can try one of each once they've had ten minutes to cool but please leave the rest until the other Jedi get here."

    "Yes ma'am."

And she'll get started on a split batch of mocha double chocolate chunk and red tisa berry chocolate chunk cookies.


"...It would be rather evidentiary of the cookies not being poisoned if we saved some for my Mistress as well," she muses, surely without other ulterior motives like giving Darth Kalbetis cookies.


See, this is why they have the bigger kitchen; she'd barely have room to make enough for the incoming Jedi in a standard ship's tiny oven, nevermind letting anyone else have any. "Of course. And I usually have baking supplies aboard in general if you ever find yourself in need of this kind of thing."


She trills an acknowledging hum, and prepares to synchronize her chrono with the cookie timer.  And to stage the cookies, when they're done cooling.

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